
Greenville Dog Park and Date Night

Good morning! This week has flown by–I cannot believe it is almost the weekend :).  I am embarrassed to admit that I have lived in Greenville for almost two years (coming up in May) and I still have not explored or taken advantage of all the wonderful things the city has to offer.  A couple months ago, Drew told me about a brand new dog park on the outskirts of Mauldin (a town just south of Greenville).  I was not familiar with the location and with it being a 15-20 minute drive, I have not ventured there.  As we are getting a new roof put on our house this week, I needed to get Scout out of the house (banging that sounds like someone knocking on the door constantly = one crazy barking dog) so I decided to check out the dog park–and it is amazing!

Scout getting excited for the park

The Conestee dog park does not look like any other dog park I have seen before.  In Charleston, dog parks were simply a small section of field that happened to be fenced in.  However, this dog park was incredible–it had valleys, wood, tall trees, benches, dirt and grass–basically a dog’s heaven! Surprisingly, despite the gray, cold weather, there were a bunch of people and dogs at the park.  Scout had a wonderful time running and chasing the other dogs–and also being a little loner and hanging by herself or close to me a good bit of the time too.  All and all it was a great day and wonderful dog park–we will definitely be back.

Scout blends right in
Dogs playing

The dog park is part of Greenville Parks and Rec–meaning that there are many walking/hiking trails, various sports fields, and paths that connect to the Swamp Rabbit Trail (I was not able to find the connecting path–but I will definitely be back to figure it out).  The Conestee Park is a wonderful park and I am soo happy that I finally listened to Drew and checked it out.

Entrance into the walking/hiking trails (not as spooky as it looks!)
Entrance to the great park

On a recommendation from my mom (who has visited a handful of times), Drew and I finally went on a date to Hans and Franz–a little German restaurant off of Pelham and highway 14.  Greenville has a lot of Germans in the community, as BMW is a big employer in our area–therefore we also have an amazing German restaurant.  The ambiance was amazing and truly made us feel like we were in Germany!  The cliental were made up of many German speaking customers which added to the overall charm of the place.  The food was delicious and the beer was authentic (served in the glasses designed for each particular beer).  We will definitely be back–especially in the summer when the back patio is open!

Fried Sauerkraut Balls with Potato Salad
Meat Sampler Platter with Fried Noodles and Potatoes
I think he enjoyed himself 🙂

Off to my barbell class after breakfast…

Had to throw this in–seriously best creation ever: Pumpkin Butter (their apple butter is amazing too)