• BEST protein ball recipes

    4 BEST Simple Go-To Protein Powder Ball Recipes

    I have been making protein balls like crazy the past few weeks. After talking with my doctor about going gluten (and now dairy) free, protein balls or power balls have become my go to convenient snack. They are super easy to make and keep me satisfied for a couple hours! My two boys (6 and 4) love to help me stir the ingredients and roll them into little balls 🙂 I posted about these recipes on Instagram, but if you missed those posts here I am sharing our go to 3 easy protein energy ball recipes. For all of the recipes, I used Isagenix Isalean protein powder for these and…

  • Coffee Addict to Caffeine Free: Perspective After One Month

    I went from drinking 4 to 6 cups of coffee a day (yes, an entire pot of coffee!) to zero caffeine and am here to tell you the good and the bad and advice if you want to make the switch 🙂 A little background: I did not drink caffeine during my first pregnancy or while nursing my second son. Additionally, I survived life without drinking caffeine (other than the occasional Diet Coke) until my junior year of college! I have an addictive personality, so for me going COLD TURKEY is easier than moderation. I knew that I could go without caffeine, but as any coffee addict will tell you,…

  • Things I Learned at 32 (and wish I knew earlier!)

    Life is funny, you learn things as you go and look back and wish you implemented things sooner.  Today, I am sharing with you a few things that I started doing at 32 (and wish I did earlier!).  If you are younger than 32, try them out and if you are older than 32 and don’t do these things—well, there is no time like the present! Things I learned at 32: Wash your face: Say what?! It literally took me until this year to regularly wash my face.  Gross, but true!  I have ridiculously sensitive skin and felt like washing my face irritated it more than it benefited.  Well silly me,…