• Deciding on the “Right” Preschool

    I am an indecisive person and am an over thinker who care A LOT so deciding on what preschool (or school) program to send my children is a task. I sometimes wish I was a mother who just picked one place based on the most important personal criteria and went with it…but no, not me, I have to interview all the options and then debate between them all. Y’all I do not make life easy ha! But I pray through my relentless determination to find the “right” school for my children, I make the correct choice! Our personal preschool journey, when we first moved to this area, I asked around…

  • Best Educational Shows for Young Children that are Entertaining

    Truth be told, I am not a fan of screen time. As a child, I watched too much TV (imo) and therefore, as an adult have a complex against watching tv or being on tablets. Its a bummer for my kids, ha! That being said, I worked hard to get passed this complex and compromised with educational television shows where my boys actually learn something rather than just mindless television. Here is a list of some of our top shows that my boys like to watch and that are secretly educational too! Don’t get me wrong, they also watch Paw Patrol, Grizzly and the Lemurs and other semi-educational shows that…

  • Big Changes From 3 Year Old to 4 Year Old

    Time passes so quickly when you have multiple children, especially with the younger ones! It seems like it was only a year ago that I had a baby and now I have a full grown little boy!! Every birthday is bittersweet. I am grateful for another healthy and happy year with my children, but it is so sad seeing how quickly they grow up and knowing that they aren’t going to stay little for much longer. I truly love these days (collectively ;)) and treasure all the time I get to spend with them when they are young. Walker turned 4 this week and it truly feels like he grew…

  • Life of a Stay at Home Mom in the Summer

    Summer time is flying by and it is hard to believe in just a couple short weeks, my baby will be starting kindergarten. I am having all the feels over here, I know he is ready and excited–but a big part of me still thinks of him as that newborn I first brought home from the hospital. He is growing more independent, but still loves to cuddle at night, runs to me when he gets hurt, wants to play with me and his brother and is little in some ways but growing up in many others. We have done our best to soak up all the summer time together and…

  • Road trip, little ones, travel, toddlers

    Road Trip to Virginia and North Carolina with Little Ones

    I just got back from a solo road trip with my 4 and 6 year old boys. While I was super nervous to go on an alone road trip with my boys, I am happy to report it was AMAZING and we made some lasting memories! Here, I will share some of the tips I learned from solo traveling along with some of our adventures to Virginia and North Carolina. Tips for Road Trips with Young Kids: 1. “Incentive Travel Bags” If you follow me on Instagram, then you know my researched hack about preparing bags for kids. I simply placed a small toy, a healthy snack and a treat…

  • Healthy and Simple School Lunches for Young Children

    Making school lunches can be stressful. We specifically choose our boys’ classes based on being able to have lunch at home to avoid packing school lunches. I honestly love eating lunch with my boys and it is a lot simpler to just make them a meal at home than to pack a lunch within the allergy parameters at school. I am pretty sure the whole “you make a plan, and God laughs” applies to this year’s school lunch situation. Our school only had one option for Reid’s age group, which meant he had to eat lunch at school. I was stressed about packing a school lunch for the first time…

  • Big Changes From 5 Year Old to 6 Year Old

    Birthdays are always hard for this mama, it is the objective sign of getting older and signifies a completely different age and stage. Reid is going to be 6 in just a few days and while he is super excited to have another finger to hold up to signify his age, his mama is reflecting over the years very bittersweetly. Five has been a year of physical and emotional growth for Reid. While I feel like the other ages were more focused on milestones, the fifth year has been a huge leap in emotional status for my little guy. He is definitely growing up and realizing the social norms and…

  • How to Best Cope When Your Child has a Cold

    I am sharing what works for me to keep my sanity and health while playing nurse to my children. I realize that being the most positive, patient and encouraging version of myself helps my children feel better so I do all I can to bring that version of myself out.


    BEST Tips for Peaceful Road Trips with Preschoolers

    As we love visiting friends and family, we travel quite frequently in the car so I am breaking down some of my best travel tips for preschool aged kids.

  • Top Recommendations in Jackson Hole for Family Vacation

    We just got back from a week long vacation to visit my mom in Jackson Hole. We have been to Jackson 3 times in the past 10 months, but this was the first time we took our boys. They were so excited to see Nana’s house and explore the “Wild West.” While completely different than a vacation without kids, this trip definitely lived up to all of our expectations. We are excited to take them back in 2022. We went Saturday to Saturday, and y’all that is a game changer. Having the extra day at home (Sunday) before getting back into the swing of life makes a HUGE difference. I…