• How to Train for First Marathon After 9 Years

    After almost 9 years–I am running a marathon!! I am so so excited to start the training and run my first marathon post children. Training for a marathon is an event and takes a lot of time and dedication. Having children and babies means there is not as much time as before to train. Running is “me time” and admittedly, I struggle with taking that much time away from my family or doing things for our family to train for a marathon. However, I am thrilled with the opportunity to tag along with one of my good friends and train for a marathon again. It is time that I take…

  • Finding the Right Workout

    Hi Friends! I have to admit that I am one to follow trends when it comes to working out.  However, time and time again, I get disappointed and I relearn the lesson that I have to listen to MY body and its needs. Fitness is an ongoing and ever changing relationship.  When I find myself bored with a workout, I need to change it up.  I crave endorphins, so I know that as long as my body allows it, I will be working out in some form.  I am someone who would still workout, even if I could be super lean and thin without doing a thing (which unfortunately I…