• Walker’s Five Month Recap

    People always told me “your heart just grows” when talking about having another baby.  When you have a child, you do not think it is possible to love another human being as much as that child–until you have another.  It is truly miraculous.  That being said, I love my children so much I cannot explain it (as all mothers know).Before having Walker, I thought that he was going to be very similar to his brother.  They share the same genetic makeup and are both boys–so I thought how different could they be?  Well, the answer is VERY.Even in the short few months that Walker has been alive, I can see…

  • Motherhood Lessons: Surviving Teething: Baby’s First Teeth

    What a week it has been…and it is only Wednesday!  Baby teething is no joke, but Reid has been handling it like a champ.  We noticed a few weeks ago that the buds on his lower gums were trying to make their way to the surface and sure enough they made their debut the end of last week! For months now, Drew and I have said “oh, he must be teething” whenever he gets fussy–but it wasn’t until now that it was true.  We scheduled family pictures for the middle of this month as we thought the fall leaves would be the prettiest (with this weather, the leaves still haven’t…

  • Life Lately: New Niece, Best Friend’s Baby, Trip to Maryland, Clemson Football Games

    My life lately has been a busy one :).  My sister and BIL welcomed my niece, Harper Ann, into the world on September 7th! I could not be more excited and happy for them.  Of course, I could NOT wait to meet the little lady so Reid and I took a flight out that Sunday morning to see the happy family of 4!  We stayed in Maryland for a few days and had lots of quality time with my family.  I cannot express how much love our family has for Harper–and now much more shopping to do (I know I have a boy, but girl clothes are just so stinking…