
Spring Cleaning and Old School Finds

My morning started off with a brisk 2 mile run with Scout.  I took my own advice from yesterday and decided to take advantage of the warmer weather/cool morning weather and go for a run rather than walk in the morning.  I am so glad that I did–the temperature was in the low 70’s coupled with a cool breeze making the weather and my run perfect!  I ran into many familiar faces that I haven’t seen in months–the same group of people tend to walk around the neighborhood that I run in (around the same time everyday–I am assuming!).

Action shot of Scout and me running

Yesterday, I decided to do some spring cleaning.  Admittedly, I have had my box of summer clothes in our bedroom for weeks now and have not opened it or done anything but look at it.  The weather has been so bipolar lately that I didn’t want to take the plunge and switch out my cold weather clothes for warm weather clothes until I knew that the weather had completely changed.  But since it has been a steady 80 degrees the past couple of weeks, I had no more excuses and needed to move the box (and the husband has been complaining about the box just sitting in the corner ha!).

Summer clothes–what a mess!
Winter clothes all boxed up until October 🙂
Nothing better than organized drawers!

It is always nice being done with spring cleaning–and bonus: it feels like I got a new wardrobe and found items that I totally forgot that I had!  My favorite find was a tank top from my high school field hockey team.  Other finds include a ton of race/sorority shirts, Redskins and Clemson jerseys, two pairs of rainbows and my favorite pair of wedges. Who knew that all these treasures were stowed away?!?

Throw back to high school field hockey–makes a nice running shirt 🙂

A little peek at what my lunches have looked like this week:

Obsessed with these salads right now: Avocado, Sundried Tomatoes, Organic Croutons and Boltfarm Honey Mustard Dressing
Vegetable bowls all week long–this one was filled with salmon, egg and mixed vegetables

Dreaming of the pool opening!!

Pool opening this weekend!

Off to get some work done before a busy day!