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Baltimore 10 Miler Review

Good morning!

I have been MIA because I have been traveling up and down the east coast.  My sister, BIL and nephew just moved to a new city and new home.  I told my sister as a house warming gift that I would help her paint the living room dubbed as the “red room of pain.”  So I decided to make a trip of it and travel up to Maryland for a long weekend (with Scout in tow of course!).

Scout in Car
She likes to sleep on the floor
Red room turned light gray 🙂

As I was thinking about the need to motivate myself to run, I looked up races in the area for the weekend.  The Baltimore 10 miler was scheduled for the Saturday that I was going to be in town, so I decided to sign up along with my dad and his nephew.  I ran the Baltimore 10 miler a couple times in the past–the first race was absolutely miserable and I think I finished right under 2 hours (I thought I was going to die–this was back in 2009 when I just started running) and the second time it poured down rain and my sister was struggling (I have always run this race with my sister).  So I thought that this would be redemption time!

Driving to the race

Admittedly, I have not run double digits all year.  I have steadily been running around 20-30 miles a week with a few 6 mile runs each week.  I figured that I had an alright base to finish the 10 miler.  I started using MapMyRun app about a month ago to track my distance and split times.  I generally run around 9-10 minute miles when I am jogging with Scout or on a 6 miler, I run around 8-9 minute miles when running with Drew and around 8 m/m when running a short 2 mile loop.  I really enjoy running to run rather than for speed, which shows with the fluctuation in my pace.

Before the start–Matt, Dad and Me
Starting line–I love taking pictures up high, as I am short and can never tell how many people are in front of me!
Perfect overcast day and pretty views of a lake
Picture during the race–guy on the right was decked out in Orioles gear
Creepy, sweaty selfie after the race
Some lady took pity on my selfie attempt and took a picture of me (and told me to pose with arms–super awkward ha!)
Post race beers–at 9 am 🙂

I completely surprised myself by finishing the 10 miler in 1:23, which is a 8:22 pace.  I started off at a 9 minute pace and finished at 7 minute pace (I decided to kick it up at mile 7 and knocked off a few sub 8 minute miles to finish).  I felt amazing afterwards and still had some energy in the bag.  If I could do it again, I would pick up the pace around mile 5 rather than waiting for mile 7.  It was a great race and I really enjoyed getting to race again with my dad.  The weather could not have been better (low 70’s and cloudy with a light breeze) and the energy of the city was great.  The best part about the race is the fancy swag that we get–hello, coral quarter zip!

Sweet Swag

Following the race, I got to spend quality time with my family and enjoy my sister’s new neighborhood.  I love having the chance to spend time with my family and (clearly) will take any opportunity I can get to see my nephew!

Love this little boy
Jeff with crabs–its what Maryland does
Lee and Brady
Love my sister
Brady and Me–can never have enough pictures of this kid!
One more