
Top 5 Summer Reads

Good morning!

Yesterday, Laura came over to discuss the final workings of Paige’s Bachelorette party this coming weekend.  I seriously cannot wait, it is going to be a blast–but I have a ton to get done before then!  We decided to go up to the pool to catch a few rays and cool off, as my house is still without AC (the guy is coming today thank goodness!).

Productive Late Afternoon...
Productive Late Afternoon…

When we were at the pool discussing the ins and outs of the partay, our discussion randomly switched to talking about books that we wanted to read this summer.  I am pretty much all or nothing when it comes to reading (aka an addict that cannot get enough books or I don’t read at all)–with my phases lasting a couple months at a time.  In order to get back in the swing of reading, I choose my top 5 reads for this summer!

Top 5 Summer Reads:

1. Big Little Lies by Liane Mortiary


Big Little Lies is the first book on my must read list.  Liane Mortiary has written numerous novels including The Husband’s Secret and What Alice Forgot.  Her novels are super popular/best sellers and I have been curious to find out what all the fuss is about.  This November HBO is turning Big Little Lies into a mini series with Reese Witherspoon and Nicole Kidman–talk about super stars on TV!  I cannot wait to start this one 🙂

2. Go Set a Watchman by Harper Lee


I am soo excited for Go Set a Watchman to come out!  The only book that I remember loving in school was To Kill a Mockingbird.  Obviously, TKAM is by far one of my favorite books as I named my dog after the main character, Scout.  Go Set a Watchman is set 20 years after TKAM and goes through Scout’s visit back home in Alabama.  This book looks fantastic and is set to come out July 14, 2015–you can bet your bottom dollar that I have a preorder 🙂

3. Not Quite Dating by Catherine Bybee


Not Quite Dating is the first book in a series of 4 books currently out.  I absolutely love book series, as one book is sometimes not enough.  Not Quite Dating is a rom-com book about a woman that wants to find a man (with financial security), only to end up finding a seemingly broke cowboy.  However, the cowboy is actually a hotel mogul and wants to find true love outside of his money.  I love an easy going/not serious read, especially when it is in a series! Bonus right now the kindle edition is only 2 dollars at amazon making this an excellent summer read.

4. Wild by Cheryl Strayed


I purchased Wild a few months back and have yet to get into it.  I read the first 20 or so pages and will definitely finish it this summer.  Laura said the movie had some intense/disturbing parts but overall it was a great movie.  She said that the book is probably even better and suggested that it is worth the read.  I am excited to dive into this book–as it seems a little more thought provoking than some of my other summer reads!

5. It Starts with Food/Whole 30 by Melissa and Dallas Hartwig


I have been hearing a lot about the Whole 30 approach and never knew what people were talking about.  While I am not one for diets, I believe that knowing what food actually DOES to your body is important.  With all the different fad diets/information out there, it’s challenging to know what is good/what is not good to eat.  I think that It Starts with Food will be an interesting and insightful read.   Fingers crossed this will be more informative than a diet cheerleading book!

Have a great Tuesday 🙂 As Drake says going up on a Tuesday

What is on your summer reading list?