
Thinking Out Loud: Fourth Of July Edition

Good morning and Happy Friday, I mean Thursday! Waking up today I thought that it was Friday and rolled the herby kirby to the front of the house thinking it was trash day–whoopsies! But it totally feels like a Friday…right?!

Today I am linking up with running with spoons for thinking out loud.  This is my first thinking out loud link up–so bare or bear with me 🙂

Thoughts for the day:

1. Lists

I am such a list person.  Whenever we go on trips, I make tons of lists: a grocery list, an ingredient list, a clothes list, a packing items list, a cooler list, etc…the lists literally go on and on.  I may go a little over board with my lists, but without them I would be a disorganized mess!

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Lists in process

2. Getting older and out of the know of slang words

Last night, we were talking with our friends that are coming the the beach with us and one threw out “on fleek.”  Being old (cough, cough) I definitely went on urban dictionary to find out the meaning.  By the way “on fleek” means on point.  Whenever I see my younger cousins, I always ask them what the new slang words are and what they mean (I’m a dork).  Luckily, I have amazing cousins who oblige me (I love you Kelsey!).  As everyone is getting older, I have a feeling I am going to have to get my information other places ha!

Its totally a sign of getting older–wow, feeling like my parents.  I have a few friends that work in schools who keep me updated with words as well, like a “thought.”  A “thought” is a very mean word these days. Who knew?! It is always funny hearing my teacher friends tell stories about asking their students to explain what in the heck they are talking about.  Who knew that when you get into your mid-twenties you become out of the know? And who makes up these slang terms anyways?!


Here is a funny link to test your slang knowledge.

3. Fourth of July Recipes and Outfits

I have been all about getting my Fourth of July party pants on.  It may be the best holiday–I mean what’s not to love about America, warm weather, fireworks, parades, beaches, friends/family, cook outs, etc.?!  This year I was dying to get a tacky USA shirt.  I went to Old Navy figuring that they would carry one–and I ended up with a FIFA shirt that has USA all over it! #obsessed  After looking on Amazon, I found a few items that I have to purchase for next year: Reagan/Bush memorabilia and a USA flat bill for Drew (totally not his style which makes it hilarious in my book!).

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I may or may not have already purchased the hat 
Snap back and tattoos…
Fanny Pack
Is this serious!?! USA fanny pack=amazing 80’s throwback

I have been researching a bunch of different Fourth of July Recipes.  This year I am going to make a strawberry/blueberry pie, blueberry pancakes and a red white and blue fruit salad.  Nothing too exciting, but hopefully delicious.  I debated about making cupcakes or a cake, but decided that the pie would be more refreshing after a long day on the beach.  Which reminds me I need to add whipped cream to the list…

I hope that everyone has a wonderful and safe Fourth of July!! And I really hope that traffic isn’t too terrible for anyone–fingers crossed 🙂