
WIAW #2: English, American, Mexican Kind of Day

Good morning!

Today, I am linking up with Jenn for What I Ate Wednesday.  As I mentioned last week, I like to eat a lot and I’m assuming that you could guess that by the blog name.  After this weekend of over indulging, I have tried to tone back my eating a little.


So yesterday looked a little like this:


My go to breakfast these days is not the healthiest–but it sure is delicious.  I was at the grocery store a week ago and a smell was waffling through the air.  While I was perusing the fruit aisle, all I could smell was hints of cinnamon and vanilla.  I am telling you this stuff was strong.  I got my dog instinct nose on and followed the smell to…(pause for drum roll please)… Thomas Cinnamon and Vanilla English Muffins.  As I had such a smell reaction to them, I obviously had to purchase them!  I have been toasting an English muffin and topping it with natural peanut butter for the past couple mornings.  It may not be the most protein packed breakfast in the world, but it sure gets my senses going 🙂

Sooo good! Sad there are only 6 in the pack


For lunch I had my go to meal: a vegetable bowl with an over easy egg and feta cheese.  I had a side of carrots and guacamole and a few pita chips with the crab dip we bought at King’s Market this weekend.

Don’t let the image fool you–it is darn tasty


In true Rankin household tradition, we celebrated Taco Tuesday (and Mexican Monday).  I was craving some mexican style rice, which is strange because I rarely like rice but for some reason that yellow rice was calling to me.  I looked at a bunch of premade/quick make rice packages and ultimately decided on a cute small pouch of yellow rice that I could jazz up myself.  I mixed cilantro, lime juice, taco seasoning, Mexican hot sauce, diced jalapeno, red pepper and onion in the yellow rice.  It came out way better than I expected!

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Most of the ingredients

For the tacos, I boiled 2 chicken breasts in water and then shredded the chicken and tossed it with taco seasoning and Mexican hot sauce.  I sauteed an onion, a red pepper, a jalapeno (stem and seeds removed), tomatoes in some olive oil and butter.  After the vegetables got soft I tossed the mixture with cilantro, lime juice and taco seasoning.  I topped my taco with the chicken mixture, the sauteed vegetables, lettuce, salsa and guacamole.  It was a delicious combination!

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Shredded chicken fajita tacos with beans and rice


I finished my evening with a bowl (or 2) of orange sorbet and a couple gram crackers with peanut butter.  It is the perfect ending to a weeknight in my book!

A little night cap
Someone had a long day…whenever we can’t find her at night she is usually on our bed ready for bed ha!

Off to take Scout on our new 5 mile loop before the start of the day!  Have a happy hump day/wonderful Wednesday 🙂

Do you have a go to lunch or dinner?

Does your dog put him/herself to bed?