
Weekend Recap #1

Happy Monday morning!  This weekend was a jammed packed one filled with great friends and fun times.

Three Best Friends

Paige, my best friend since I was 2 years old, had her baby shower on Saturday morning in Hickory.  Laura and I (along with Reid) road tripped up to North Carolina for the shower.  It was great being able to catch up with Laura as we drove up and I am so happy to report that Reid slept the entire way up and back!!

I am so blessed that Reid and Campbell (Paige’s baby) will be able to grow up together!  We are already planning that they will be best friends if Campbell is a boy or we will have an arranged marriage if Campbell is a girl (she is not finding out what the gender is–the anticipation is killing me!).

26 years of friendship

It was such a fun shower with a bunch of little kids there too.  It is crazy to see how babies that are just a few months older than Reid are so much more interactive and mobile!  Time will certainly fly by, so I am trying to be in the now and enjoy the cuddly moments with my little man.

Kids everywhere!

We had an easy Sunday filled with house and yard work.  Sunday afternoon, I was able to go to 9 Round while Drew and Reid watched the Masters.  Working out again feels ah-mazing! I knew that I missed working out, but getting those feel good endorphins in my system was even better than I remembered.

Drew and I discussed our workout schedules and I am planning on doing 9 Round 2 or 3 times a week (as it is only 30 minutes it is a great, fast workout option) and then run 2 or 3 times a week (only doing 2 miles these days, but it still feels good to get the legs moving again).  I think that having 30 minutes of “me” time, 5 times a week, will do wonders for my health/happiness 🙂

When I got home from working out, I found my boys (and Scout) napping together in front of the TV.  Seriously, the sweetest image ever!  While watching the end of the Masters (such a sad ending for Jordan Spieth, but sweet ending for Willett who is a new daddy!), we cooked a Hello Fresh meal.  It was the perfect ending to a great weekend 🙂

My boys 🙂

Have a great start of the week!