
First Mother’s Day

Happy Monday morning!  I know that Mondays can be rough–but after a wonderful weekend I cannot help but feel at ease entering the week ahead.

This weekend was very special as I celebrated my first Mother’s Day as a mom.  Words cannot express the love that I have for my baby boy and having a special day that highlights the joys of motherhood is amazing.  I am not one to gush over social media about the love and happiness that I have for Reid, but lets just say that motherhood has changed me in ways I could never imagine and seeing his smiling face makes my heart melt in ways I cannot describe.

Love being his mom
Post Run Photo

Reid had a growth spurt on Friday and Saturday–meaning that I got very little sleep.  It seems to be a trend with him, growing on the weekends.  It cannot complain as it is pretty convenient because Drew is usually home to lend a helping hand.  However, this Saturday Drew went fishing, so that left me with the little man and 4 cups of coffee to get me through the day (I know that makes me a bad mom as I am breastfeeding, but I could not function without the caffeine jolt! Luckily, it doesn’t seem to impact Reid.).

Up all night, Sleep all day

When Drew got home on Saturday afternoon, we headed to REI to check out baby life jackets.  I have been researching infant life jackets and wanted to check out the “high end” life jacket aka the most expensive one.  I am still unsure which life jacket to get for the little man, do I spend double the amount to get the top of the line jacket or just purchase a regular one?! Time will tell.

When at REI, we looked at bikes and roof top carriers.  Yes, we are going to be that family that gets a roof top carrier rather than buying a new SUV for our growing family.  REI is a great store and I could spend hours on hours there.  We went home and took naps before catching the Kentucky Derby (woke up in the nick of time!).

On Sunday, I woke up to a very happy baby boy and ventured downstairs to find a bouquet of flowers and sweet card from Drew.  Drew made us a very nice breakfast of fruit and yogurt parfaits, bacon and bagels.  Following breakfast, we went on a 2 mile run with the whole family (Scout and Reid in tow).

Mother’s Day Treat from Drew
Honey on Yogurt is Key

To celebrate Mother’s Day, we went downtown to Halls Chophouse for brunch.  Halls is an excellent restaurant that we enjoyed while living in Charleston, and they recently opened a second chophouse in Greenville.  We had a wonderful time dining there and have to admit that I like the atmosphere of Greenville’s location even better than Charleston’s.  Reid was an amazing little boy and slept the entire time we ate.  He woke up towards the end, but he was not fussy and did not even want his bottle.  It was a perfect meal with my beautiful family.

Following brunch, we walked around Falls Park for a little bit before heading to get some fro-yo.  Having a bottle ready for Reid made our time downtown very convenient as we were able to feed him when he got hungry, and I didn’t have to worry about feeding him in public.

Only at Falls Park–Goats with Diapers, Drew was dying for a photo!
Our First Mother’s Day
My Boys 

I ended Mother’s Day enjoying a glass of wine on our back porch with my little family.  Reid was especially happy last night and we almost got a cute little laugh out of him–any day now I am sure we will hear his first laugh 🙂

Love of My Life (Drew too)