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2019 New Years Resolutions

For years, I spend the week between Christmas and New Years to make resolutions and goals for the upcoming year.  It allows me to focus on my year ahead while reflecting over the past year.  So lets talk 2019 goals/resolutions…

  1. Organization
    1. Guys, I am so disorganized and it drives me crazy on a daily basis.  Life is so much simpler if you take the time to organize.  Mapping out my dinners for the week takes mere minutes, but eases my stress levels and saves hours! I want to finally organize our house to better suit our family’s needs.  I want to keep my house and car free from as much clutter as possible (moms, is this possible?!) and I want to keep a calendar to schedule out my days and weeks. IMG_3319
  2. Community
    1. I really would like to find a group of “my people” who live around me in 2019.  I am so family focused that I have lost sight of the importance of friendship in this season.  I am Queen of Excuses in this department, but I really want to build and maintain better friendships.  I blame it on the fact that we never know how long we will live in an area, my children’s schedules and lack of time, but really I think it is my introverted nature coupled with laziness.  I am compliance in this department and know I need to do better–because lets face it life is so much better with a good group of friends around you! IMG_3423
  3. Mindfulness
    1. Mindfulness means being more present and intentional.  Most days, I am on autopilot and going through the motions.  I want to be more present with my boys and in the moment with them.  I want to plan (back to organization) so that I am not allowing my mind to wander about what I need to do next or what else I need to be doing in the moment.IMG_3368IMG_3396
    2. Additionally, I want to be mindful with finances. I am guilty of just spending money on Amazon or at Target without much thought, and in order to take an amazing vacation, donate to a couple causes and even hire a monthly cleaning service (a girl can dream can’t she?), I need to be more mindful of my frivolous spending.
  4. Health
    1. It wouldn’t be a New Year (by the way, is it capitalized or not?!) without talking about health.  2018 was a year of giving myself grace as I was pregnant and then going through postpartum/nursing body changes.  I want to continue to show myself grace, but focus more on healthy eating habits. I want to make better food choices for my boys.  A lot of times, I take the easy way out and heat up a hot dog or make a PB and J, but I would like to be more focused on providing healthier meals for my family. IMG_3407
    2. I want to run a half marathon and incorporate a new class/exercise in my workout routine.  I loved bodypump in my 20’s and barre postpartum/pregnant, so maybe going back to those or starting something completely new?!
    3. And of course, drink more water!

I hope for a better and improved year ahead and cannot wait to see what 2019 brings…Happy New Year 🙂
