
Reid’s Third Birthday Party

How is my first baby boy already 3 years old?!  Seriously, time flies by and it is hard to imagine that it was 3 years ago that I first held Reid in my arms.  He has grown and developed so much in these past years, and I can honestly say that it keeps getting better (in most ways) with age. IMG_4481IMG_4965I debated and debated about what to do for his 3rd birthday.  Since he is in school and has little friends now, I thought a fun party with his friends from school would be great!  However, after talking to my sister and a few friends I decided to make it smaller and simpler for his third birthday. And I have to say, I am SO happy I did!IMG_4160For Reid’s 3rd birthday, we invited 3 of his classmates and their parents to the local fire station and park to celebrate.  Since Reid’s birthday was on a Monday, the park was pretty empty and luckily the fire station wasn’t on call.IMG_1338IMG_8676Reid had an absolute blast pretending to drive the firetruck, looking at all the fire fighting equipment and of course, blaring the siren.  Admittedly, he probably had just as much fun running around with his friends at the park following the fire station tour. IMG_4175IMG_9276IMG_4167IMG_6396IMG_4179The kids had happy meals from McDonald’s and the cutest cupcakes from Smallcakes.  It wasn’t a big ta-do but Reid had a blast and I was happy with our decision to make it a small party. IMG_1970 2IMG_3574IMG_8864IMG_5645In hindsight, I wish Drew could have come (he had a big work meeting) and could have only had 2 kids rather than 3 (though 3 was totally fine, I just don’t know how people have more than 3 for a 3 year old party!). IMG_7926It was the perfect way to celebrate Reid and his 3rd birthday 🙂 IMG_2561IMG_2815IMG_9625