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Long (kid-free) Weekend at St. Regis Bal Harbour

Drew and I just got back from the most refreshing and revitalizing mini-vacation.  We spent 3 days and 2 nights at the St. Regis Bar Harbour, courtesy of his company!  It was such a wonderful vacation that really snuck up on us and allowed us to have some time to ourselves.IMG_8273We flew out first thing Friday morning and checked into the hotel around noon.  We thought that Friday was going to be the only sunny day, as there was a strong chance of a tropical storm (thank goodness the weathermen were wrong!), so we maximized our suntanning time.  We laid out on the beach, went for a walk on the beach and even ate lunch on our beach chairs.  Since we woke up at 4, we were able to squeeze in an afternoon nap before getting ready for the evening.   IMG_0309 2IMG_8225Friday evening, we started at the St. Regis bar for some light apps and a drink. Did you know that the Bloody Mary was created at the St. Regis in New York City?! Following our cocktail hour, we walked down the road to the Ritz for dinner.  Our dinner was wonderful and we both ate wayyy too much! Since it is the off season, we ended up having a dining room all to ourselves which made it feel like a special occasion!  Following dinner, we met up with a couple of his coworkers at the hotel bar for a nightcap. IMG_0058 2IMG_7273IMG_8269On Saturday, we slept in until 8:30!! Like what!??! It was amazing and we woke up feeling so refreshed.  After a 4 mile run and a quick bite for breakfast, we rode in the hotel’s house car, aka a Bentley, to jet ski at Biscayne Bay.  We had a blast and I am happy to report that Drew only flung us off once! IMG_8272IMG_8268IMG_8271After jet skiing, we hit the beach for lunch and then went to our room to freshen up for the wine tasting the with St. Regis sommelier.  It was our first experience with a sommelier and it was pretty stellar! Following the wine tasting, the whole group headed to Bourbon Steak for dinner.  I am pretty sure I had one of the best filets of my life (but it could have been the wine talking!). IMG_0268 2We ended the evening back at the St. Regis, talking and laughing with his coworkers.  We woke up on Sunday and went for a 3 mile run and laid out on the beach for an hour before packing up.  We managed to squeeze in a last (and most delicious) lunch poolside at the hotel before going to the airport.IMG_5274IMG_8267It was truly a quick trip, but it seriously recharged my battery!! I can see why people preach the importance of self-care time 🙂 IMG_8270