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Most Adorable Valentines Day Cards that Toddlers will Love

Let me first say, you cannot go wrong with whatever Valentines Day cards your preschooler delivers to school. I think sometimes Pinterest can make us feel inferior and like we aren’t being the best moms if we don’t send our child in with a creative Valentines.

Trust me, a couple years ago, I was overwhelmed when I opened my son’s Valentines Day box to find super cute and creative Valentines from all his classmates. I didn’t know this was a “thing” so I had sent him in with the classic lollypop attached to a folded card from the dollar store.

There is no right or wrong choice and you aren’t a better mom for being ultra creative, just beware that some parents go above and beyond and that others do basic (like me!). That being said, this year is a little unique and has been harder on us all, so I think a little more effort will help carry the joy of the season.

Here is a list of SUPER cute and adorable (and creative) Valentines for Kids:

  1. I’m “WHEEL-Y” glad we are friends/I “WHEELIE” like you: Hot Wheels car attached to card
  2. I’m so glad we’re in the same SCHOOL!: Goldfish Bag attached to card
  3. You’re awesome SAUCE!: Apple sauce pouch attached to card
  4. I am one LUCKY DUCKY to have you as a friend!: Rubber duck attached
  5. I think you are A-DOH-ABLE!: Play-doh attached to card
  6. RAWR you’re such a DINO-MITE valentine!: Toy Dinosaur attached
  7. SQUISHING you a happy valentines day! Squishy attached to card

With most of these cards, you can get the items attached from the Dollar Tree or Target. Most of these you simply bring to Office Depot/Staples and have them print out, cut out on your own and attach to the card. While it does take a little more effort than the classic, old-school cards, I think it is worth it.

As my Instagram stories indicated, I planned on doing the first Valentines…when I ventured to the Target to get supplies we saw these adorable pull back trucks and our game plan changed! We attached gummy worms to the back of the cards for a “I really DIG you” card and made Reid’s Valentines this year more “semi-creative” (maybe next year I’ll be super creative haha!).

Happy Valentine’s Day, friends! I hope the joy and love of the season carries us all the way to spring πŸ™‚