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A Mother’s Prayer for First Child Starting Kindergarten

Tomorrow, my oldest starts kindergarten. It is hard to believe how quickly time passes by and how we have already reached this spot where he is going to be off to the “real world.” I am sure I will feel the same way when he enters middle school, high school and college.

I have been truly blessed to stay at home with him throughout his life. I have been there for every bump, bruise, scratch, laugh, cry, silly story and everything in between. Following advice of others, we started preschool a couple days a week for a couple hours when he was 2. He went a little more each year and even did the school’s young five program. I feel good about him knowing the structure of school and understanding how to follow teacher’s rules. The thing I am nervous about is the length of the day. Since we never had Reid in day care or extended preschool, the longest he has been in school is 4 hours and at public school he will be there for 7 hours (almost twice as long!). I have heard that the first couple weeks of kindergarten and school in general is an adjustment–the kids are tired, exhausted and trying to adjust. I am praying that I will be patient and understanding during these first few weeks.

I am excited for him to start a new stage in life. While it is nerve racking to start a new chapter, it is also very exciting. He is a late February birthday and was slated to go to kindergarten last fall, but after talking with his preschool teacher (a lot!) we decided to hold him back a year. And y’all, the Lord is good, because it was definitely the right decision. Reid is ready, I am somewhat ready (honestly, I never will be ready!), and I know he will do great! It is crazy what a difference a year makes in regard to his maturity, growth and demeanor (5 was a tough year of adjustment to who he is and gaining independence–6 has been so much fun as he has gained confidence, which will help him in school). Please note that while this was the best decision for my boy, it may not be the best decision for everyone (including my youngest son). You have to get advice from educators, see where your child lands with maturity, pray a lot, and ultimately make the decision that best works for your child.

I know that tomorrow, I will be a wreck and will be mourning the end of preschool years and the little boy that is about to enter into a big school. My prayer is that he feels comfort and knows that he is loved, that he feels confident to be himself and to stand up for what he knows is right, that he finds friendships with kind children, that he plays and includes others, that he is kind and nice to others, that he is respectful to his teachers, that he develops a love for learning and that he enjoys going to school. I also pray that his relationship with his brother grows closer and that he remains his best friend and confidant. I pray that he will continue to snuggle with me, ask me for help and advice, want to play board games and monster trucks with me, stays his sweet and compassionate self and continues to be himself. I pray that he is surrounded by love, joy and kindness. I pray that children will be kind and that there will not be anything that shakes his confidence or hinders his uniqueness. I pray that he has an amazing first year of schooling and that he knows how much he is loved and supported. I pray that my little boy grows into his own person and always knows who he is and finds his own happiness and joy.

Y’all, being a parent is tough and emotionally it is a roller coaster ride. I am more peaceful at this moment than I have been at most other moments before school starts for him. I am not sure if it is because it is new, because he is excited and nervous or if it is because he will do great and he will love it. That I know in my heart I have done all that I can to nuturter, love and support him. That the past 6 years, I have poured myself into him and given him all that I can to help him be a kind person. I know he is ready, I know He will be with him where ever he goes, and I know that my little boy will move mountains and reach for the stars.