• Turning Hobbies into Family Time

    Time together is something that I really treasure and I want to remember all the togetherness we had when I look back on these years with my young children.  I want to remember how Drew and I took our hobbies and rather than pushing them to the side after having children, we embraced the change and adapted to INCLUDE our children. I LOVE a long run.  I love training and running marathons.  I love the mental and physical challenge of pushing myself to run faster and longer and harder.  I simply love it.  While I may be in a season where I don’t find it fair to my family to…

  • 2019 New Years Resolutions

    For years, I spend the week between Christmas and New Years to make resolutions and goals for the upcoming year.  It allows me to focus on my year ahead while reflecting over the past year.  So lets talk 2019 goals/resolutions… Organization Guys, I am so disorganized and it drives me crazy on a daily basis.  Life is so much simpler if you take the time to organize.  Mapping out my dinners for the week takes mere minutes, but eases my stress levels and saves hours! I want to finally organize our house to better suit our family’s needs.  I want to keep my house and car free from as much…

  • Weekend Recap: Sickness, Runs and Football

    This past weekend was filled with sickness, but a lot of fun as well.  Our house has entered the realm of first year preschool sickness and it is consuming our household.  First Reid got sick, then Walker did, then I did, then Reid did again, then Drew, then Reid and now Walker again…all over the course of a week and half.  Its been pretty isolating as I do not want to infect anyone else (please other preschool moms be considerate and do the same!).  On the positive time, we have had a lot of family time.The boys are starting to interact more which is so fun to see.  Walker is…

  • Walker’s 7 Month Recap

    Gosh, where is the time going? I know I say this a lot, but time is truly flying by.  I mean the days are sometimes long, but the months just seem to go in a blink of an eye.  Walker has changed so much this past month and is seeming more and more like a toddler versus a newborn (I know we are in the baby stage for a few more months luckily).  Lets chat about the amazingness of sleep.  Walker has *KNOCK ON ALL THE WOOD* started to sleep so much better at night.  He wakes up once or twice, rather than 3 or 4 times as he did…

  • Reid’s First Three Weeks at Preschool

    Wow, preschool is a doozy.  I seriously do not know what I am going to do when it is time to send my boys off to kindergarten let alone college.  I am hopeful that I will be more mentally prepared than I was for the preschool emotions.  I wrote a blog post, hoping to get out all of my feelings so I wouldn’t be a mess on preschool drop off.  Well folks, that failed.  Thank goodness, Drew came with me to drop off as he was the one that actually dropped Reid off as I was crying a couple feet behind them.  Gosh, the hallway to his classroom felt like…

  • Walker’s Five Month Recap

    People always told me “your heart just grows” when talking about having another baby.  When you have a child, you do not think it is possible to love another human being as much as that child–until you have another.  It is truly miraculous.  That being said, I love my children so much I cannot explain it (as all mothers know).Before having Walker, I thought that he was going to be very similar to his brother.  They share the same genetic makeup and are both boys–so I thought how different could they be?  Well, the answer is VERY.Even in the short few months that Walker has been alive, I can see…

  • Dear My Baby on Your First Day of Preschool

    Dear My Sweet Preschool Boy, Wow, sending you off to preschool is a lot harder than I could ever imagine.  Yes, it is only for 2 days a week for 3 hours (6 hours a week, 24 hours a month), but it is hard to let go.  You have been my side kick and with me everyday since you were born (with the exception of a few babysitters/grandparents watching you).  I know everyone you interact with and I know where every bad and good habit you pick up is from.  I know who you talk to and who you play with.  I am always there if another kid pushes you,…

  • Motherhood Lessons: Showing Yourself Grace (4 Month Postpartum Recap)

    Setting the record straight, this has been a hard few months.  I felt the entire spectrum of emotions, I had moments of extreme joy and bliss and moments of pure exhaustion and unease, moments where I question everything in my life and moments where I feel exactly where I should be.  Suffice it to say, it has been quite the rollercoaster ride. I did not suffer from PPD, but I admit that my hormones were playing games with me and there were times when I didn’t know what to do with myself or my life.  I finally feel like I am coming out of the haze of newborn land and…

  • Greenville, SC Trip: Stay at the Aloft, Baby and Wedding Showers

    We just got back from a wonderful weekend in Greenville, SC.  We lived in Greenville for 3 1/2 years and absolutely love going back.  This weekend, I had a baby shower for my college roommate and we had a wedding shower for our close friends.  We decided to make a weekend of it and booked a room at the gorgeous Aloft hotel in downtown.We usually do not stay in hotels, but decided it was the best way to travel with both kids and have a semi-vacation.  We left Saturday morning and while Walker and I attended the baby shower, Drew and Reid went on a Father-Son date to Cabela’s and…

  • Weekend Recap: Lake Murray and Chapin Visit

    We have been a family on the go and loving all our summer travels.  This past weekend, we loaded up the car and headed to my in-laws for some fun times on Lake Murray.Drew and I dream of living on a lake someday.  That is our retirement goal and desire for our family in the future.  While that dream is not possible in present day, we are lucky to visit my in-laws in Chapin, SC and enjoy family time on the water.  It is so much fun watching Reid light up when we get on the boat and “go fast” in the water.  He loves pointing out all the boats…