• Weekend Recap: Lake Allatoona

    We had a wonderful weekend enjoying the warm weather on the lake!  One of the major concerns we had when moving to Atlanta was the lack of water around us.  We are water lovers, Drew has always been a boater (fisher, shrimper, wakeboarder, skier, etc–you name it he will do it!) and ever since we started dating I have become one too! Needless to say, it was a factor in moving. Luckily, there is a little lake named Lake Allatoona that is about a 30 minute drive from our house.  It takes about the same amount of time to drive to the lake as it did when we lived in Greenville.…

  • Motherhood Lessons: A Day in the Life of Stay at Home Mom

    People are often surprised to learn that I am a lawyer turned stay at home mom. The first question after asking what I did before staying at home is always do you plan to go back to work? They are even more surprised when I say that I am not sure, most expecting me to say of course! While I would like to say yes, there is no way to tell what will be best for my family in a few years.  Sure I have my doubts (sometimes daily) about living up to my career potential and using my hard earned degree–but when I really take a look inside I…

  • Weekend Recap: First Haircut

    Good morning! Wow the time change totally has us thrown off schedule, but we are going with it 🙂 We started this morning going to barre, then to Trader Joes and back home for a nap (which has turned into an almost 3 hour nap…)! This weekend was a pretty relaxed one.  The weather is seriously going crazy–it was in the 70s last week and today it is barely approaching 40!  Yesterday, we took advantage of the less than ideal weather and ventured around Lake Allatoona in search for boat storage and got some chores done around the house (hello baby gates!). The big news of the weekend was that…

  • Running Lately: Atlanta is Hilly

    Good morning! After waking up early to say goodbye to my sister and her family, I went on an early morning run with Reid.  It was my first early run since moving to Atlanta and it felt amazing!  There is something about the crisp morning air that really gets the day off to a great start 🙂 When I moved from Charleston to Greenville, South Carolina, I thought that the change in terrain was drastically different/much more challenging–and again I feel the same way since moving from Greenville to Atlanta.  Charleston is extremely flat as it is basically sea level, Greenville is in the foothills so it has gradual hills, and (surprisingly) Atlanta…

  • Friday Favorites: March 3, 2017

    Happy Friday :). The past week has been an exciting one in our household: REID is now ONE and I am now 29!! It is so neat having my birthday right after Reid’s.  He is by far the best birthday gift anyone could ask for–which means that every year I have a little reminder of how lucky I am. 5 Friday Favorites: Babysitters: I was so nervous to have a babysitter and now I am so thankful that I we have found an amazing babysitter.  Reid is my first and only baby, which means that I am probably a little more cautious than I need to be!  This may be…

  • How to Make Mom Friends

    Moving to a new area and being a stay at home mom, means that I would go crazy if I did not make new friends.  Moving always has it challenges and socially speaking it is extremely hard. Things to do: Put yourself out there.  I am an introvert by nature, but I have to push those impulses aside and really put myself out there to meet people.  This is as simple as asking someone in the grocery store how old her son is? and going to the library to meet other moms.  Remember that everyone is in a similar situation and people want to interact and make friends too! Find groups. …

  • Life Lately: Moving to Atlanta, Georgia

    A new year, a new website and a new location! It has been a crazy start of 2017, but I am looking forward to all the exciting new things to come.  After months of debate, Drew took a promotion and we relocated to the suburbs of Atlanta, Georgia at the beginning of the new year! It was a whirlwind of a couple months–buying and selling homes is not for the weak (I have taken a hiatus from watching HGTV because I seriously cannot look at anymore homes for a long while!).   Luckily, we sold our home in Greenville, South Carolina in under a week and found a beautiful home in Atlanta…

  • Motherhood Lessons: Surviving Teething: Baby’s First Teeth

    What a week it has been…and it is only Wednesday!  Baby teething is no joke, but Reid has been handling it like a champ.  We noticed a few weeks ago that the buds on his lower gums were trying to make their way to the surface and sure enough they made their debut the end of last week! For months now, Drew and I have said “oh, he must be teething” whenever he gets fussy–but it wasn’t until now that it was true.  We scheduled family pictures for the middle of this month as we thought the fall leaves would be the prettiest (with this weather, the leaves still haven’t…

  • Weekend Recap: Apple Picking, Traveler’s Rest, Clemson and Hosting Refugees from Charleston (Hurricane Matthew)

    Good morning! Happy Monday 🙂 We had quite the eventful weekend.  Originally, we were planning to take a trip to North Carolina and then go pumpkin picking after church but our plans changed a little.  Our good friends ended up coming to stay with us from Wednesday evening until Sunday morning because of Hurricane Matthew.  We were more than happy to welcome them to higher and safer ground! We ended up having a very fun weekend and Reid loved playing with his best friend, Watson. On Friday, we all went to Clemson to enjoy some wings and beer before the Clemson game.  Clemson was a wonderful way to brighten the…

  • Life Lately: New Niece, Best Friend’s Baby, Trip to Maryland, Clemson Football Games

    My life lately has been a busy one :).  My sister and BIL welcomed my niece, Harper Ann, into the world on September 7th! I could not be more excited and happy for them.  Of course, I could NOT wait to meet the little lady so Reid and I took a flight out that Sunday morning to see the happy family of 4!  We stayed in Maryland for a few days and had lots of quality time with my family.  I cannot express how much love our family has for Harper–and now much more shopping to do (I know I have a boy, but girl clothes are just so stinking…