• First Night Out without Baby

    This weekend we celebrated Reid’s half birthday and had our first night away from our baby boy.  Drew and I went to Atlanta for our college friends’ wedding.  It was the perfect time and opportunity to have a night away.  Since the wedding was only 2 hours away, I felt comfortable leaving Reid with his grandparents knowing that I could be home if I needed to (they were great sports about my 2 page instructions!). We took advantage of the time away–we went to Gypsy Kitchen prior to the ceremony for a drink with a few of my sorority sisters, following the reception at the Piedmont Driving Club we went…

  • Life Lately: Last Summer Vacation to OBX

    The summer is officially coming to an end–public schools in Greenville started this morning!  I can only imagine what a mess I will be in 5 years when I have to take little Reid in for his first day–but I have time before then 🙂 This past week, we took our last summer vacation to the Outer Banks in North Carolina.  The Outer Banks span a looong way and luckily we went to Pine Knoll Shores which is almost the southern most tip of OBX (only about a 6.5 hour drive).  Drew’s aunt and uncle have a vacation home there and were gracious hosts for our little family of 4,…

  • 5 Month Old and Weekend Recap

    My baby boy is officially 5 months old–seriously where is the time going?! He is growing so fast and becoming more of a ‘person’ every day. Things about my 5 month old, Reid: He learned how to bounce in his jumperoo and LOVES it He is a very happy boy, loves to laugh, loves kisses He is a flirt with everyone He has started to notice Scout (our dog) and even pet her the other day–too sweet! He loves the water and going in the pool He doesn’t really like to nap–he takes one in the morning around 10:30 (as long as he is in the car seat and running…

  • Flying with Baby: Reid’s First Trip to Minnesota and Weekend at the Lake

    What a manic Monday… Reid and I have had a whirlwind of a week.  On Monday we flew to Minnesota to visit my Nana.  I was super nervous as I was flying alone with a 4 month old (meeting my mom in Minneapolis), but Reid was a great flier and people were so sweet and helpful along the trip–it really does take a village!  I would say that the travel was smooth sailing, BUT I was flying Southwest and my flights on the way out got delayed by almost 24 hours! (stuck in the Atlanta airport until 1:30 a.m. when I was supposed to fly out at 9 a.m.) and…

  • Edisto Beach Vacation and What to Bring to the Beach for 4 Month Old Baby

    We have been going through some serious 4 month sleep regression or just adjusting to the craziness after being on a week vacation!  Little did I know (or rather even think about) that babies don’t adjust as well as adults when it comes to travelling and new places.  #rookiemommove Aside from our frustration with the lack of sleep that Reid is having at night/no napping during the day, life around here is pretty great!  We had our first long family vacation that lasted 9 full days 🙂 It was a wonderful trip and really allowed us to wind down and connect as a new family. We headed down to Drew’s…

  • Easy Like a Sunday Morning and Pool Daze

    Good morning!  We had a wonderful (and somewhat relaxing) weekend.  It was a gorgeous Friday evening and perfect temperature to have a little happy hour by the pool.  We had a drink poolside with a couple snacks and put Reid in the water for the first time!  I wish I could say that he LOVED it, but he was more confused than anything.  Overtime I am sure he will love getting in the water and playing. On Saturday, after doing some chores we headed up to the pool again for a little family time.  We forgot Reid’s swim diaper so we could only put his toes in the water, but…

  • Memorial Day Weekend 2016

    We just got home from an extra long Memorial Day weekend.  Christina, one of my closest friends and sorority sister, got married on Friday before Memorial Day.  Reid and I drove down to Charleston on Thursday morning for the bridesmaids luncheon.  Reid was an absolute joy and got his flirt on with all the ladies.  Following the luncheon, Reid and I stopped over to see his cousin/best friend, Watson.  It was fun to see the boys together again–even though they both are pretty much blobs right now! On Thursday night, Drew and I went to the rehearsal dinner at Red Drum followed by a quick drink at Tavern and Table.…

  • Weekend Recap: May 15, 2016

    This weekend was a great one, despite the fact that I was not feeling well for the majority of it (and now my little kiddo has a fever). On Friday, Drew came home early because I was not feeling well and needed an extra hand with Reid. Meredith, Drew’s sister, called earlier that day and asked to stay with us for the evening.  We all went out for frozen yogurt, as it was just what I needed on my sore throat and it was delicious to check out a new place.  I went to bed super early on Friday in hopes of feeling better. Saturday morning I had high hopes…

  • Working Out with Baby

    Happy Friday the 13th!!  Week days with my little man seem to fly by!  I have been making a point of keeping both of us busy during the days.  I am not one to sit at home and watch TV all day (though I will admit that having some designated snuggle days in front of the TV are quite amazing!).  This week I wanted to try out different workouts I could do with Reid. On Monday, we went on a quick 2 mile jog around the neighborhood.  He loves his stroller and always ends up falling asleep half way through. On Tuesday, I needed to switch it up and went…

  • First Mother’s Day

    Happy Monday morning!  I know that Mondays can be rough–but after a wonderful weekend I cannot help but feel at ease entering the week ahead. This weekend was very special as I celebrated my first Mother’s Day as a mom.  Words cannot express the love that I have for my baby boy and having a special day that highlights the joys of motherhood is amazing.  I am not one to gush over social media about the love and happiness that I have for Reid, but lets just say that motherhood has changed me in ways I could never imagine and seeing his smiling face makes my heart melt in ways…