WIAW: Hello Fresh Review
Good morning! I have been obsessed with Hello Fresh ever since we opened the super organized box of fresh food delivered straight to our front door. I thought that What I Ate Wednesday was the perfect time to talk about my latest obsession! My sister gave me a promotional code for a free box from Hello Fresh. We were able to choose from either 3 days, 4 days or 5 days of meals. Drew and I were realistic about our plans and stuck with just 3 days of meals. We have a tendency to eat leftovers, go out or need our taco Tuesday fix, so 3 meals worked out well…
Sierra Nevada Brewery Tour in Mills River, NC
Happy Monday! We had a great weekend celebrating Drew’s birthday. I surprised him with a day trip to Mills River, NC to visit the Sierra Nevada brewery. For over a year, we talked about visiting the brewery, but the tours always seem to be booked when we wanted to visit. Mills River is a short hour and 15 minute drive from Greenville, which made it a perfect day trip. The facility is out of this world–we kept comparing it to a grown-up Willy Wonka factory. We went on the Brewhouse tour (they have 3 other tours you can do depending on the season). During the Brewhouse tour, we learned about…
Life Lately: Nursery Decorating and Working Out at 32 Weeks
Wow has this year already started to fly by?! Seriously, the weeks are going by so quickly and then again, it seems like I have been pregnant forever. Either way it is crazy to me that it is already the middle of January! Today is my wonderful husband’s 29th birthday. He deserves the world, but sadly I have not had the energy to do much this year ek! Not to worry, he still has a birthday ice cream cake and a nice dinner to look forward to. I just have not gone “balls to the wall” this year. At least I have an entire year to prepare for the big…
Happy 2016-Best Year Yet!
Happy New Year (only a few days late)! We had a fantastic New Year weekend with a lot of relaxation involved. I have to say that it was a much different way to ring in the New Year than years past, but I would’t have it any other way. Drew and I (and Scout) traveled down to Charleston to celebrate New Years Eve with our good friends, Megan and Brandon. Megan is also pregnant which makes it so nice as they know exactly what we are going through. We decided to take it easy and watch the Orange Bowl at their house before getting ready for dinner (Go Tigers!). We…
Random Thoughts of the Day
Today I am linking up with Amanda for Thinking Out Loud. Four Random thoughts of the day: 1. Last night I watched Fed Up, a documentary about the growing obesity epidemic in America. I enjoy learning different statistics and hearing different sides of debates. The documentary explained that the food and beverage industry plays a huge role (they argue the entire role) in obesity among US children. The documentary highlighted the fact that just because you exercise and move, does not mean that you will lose weight and won’t become obese. They also explained that one calorie in doesn’t equal one calorie out–calories are not created equal. The most interesting…
WIAW #2: English, American, Mexican Kind of Day
Good morning! Today, I am linking up with Jenn for What I Ate Wednesday. As I mentioned last week, I like to eat a lot and I’m assuming that you could guess that by the blog name. After this weekend of over indulging, I have tried to tone back my eating a little. So yesterday looked a little like this: Breakfast My go to breakfast these days is not the healthiest–but it sure is delicious. I was at the grocery store a week ago and a smell was waffling through the air. While I was perusing the fruit aisle, all I could smell was hints of cinnamon and vanilla. I…
Finding New Running Routes
Today, I am linking up with Sara from Lake Shore Runner for Tried It Tuesday. As I am training for the Richmond Marathon in November, I have come across the need to change up my running routes. I am a creature of habit–once I find a route, I stick with the same route forever. However, with snake sightings on one of my routes (literally I have seen 2–and that is enough to call it quits!) and no shade on my other go-to route I need a change! I downloaded MapMyRun a couple months back to keep in touch with my family members who run. It is such a fun app…
Weekend Update: Edisto Island for the Fourth of July
Today I am linking up with Tara for Weekend Update. I hope that everyone had a wonderful holiday weekend. I went to Edisto Island with a couple close friends for a great long weekend of fun in the sun! Drew’s family has a beach house on Edisto Island that we have been going to for years. We usually invite our close friends, Megan and Brandon to join us when we go down to Edisto. Over the years, it has become a tradition to go to the beach house for the Fourth of July! We got to the Island around 6:00 on Thursday afternoon. Luckily, we were able to leave Greenville…
Thinking Out Loud: Fourth Of July Edition
Good morning and Happy Friday, I mean Thursday! Waking up today I thought that it was Friday and rolled the herby kirby to the front of the house thinking it was trash day–whoopsies! But it totally feels like a Friday…right?! Today I am linking up with running with spoons for thinking out loud. This is my first thinking out loud link up–so bare or bear with me
Thoughts for the day: 1. Lists I am such a list person. Whenever we go on trips, I make tons of lists: a grocery list, an ingredient list, a clothes list, a packing items list, a cooler list, etc…the lists literally go on…
WIAW #1: Taco Tuesday
Happy Hump Day! I am so pumped that the Fourth of July long weekend is quickly approaching. You can bet your bottom dollar that tomorrow afternoon, we are hitting the road down to the beach (please, please no traffic!!). Today, I am linking up with Jenn from Peas and Crayons for What I ate Wednesday. Please no judgment on this post/forewarning, I eat a lot. A few months back, my doctor informed me that I needed to put on some weight–which is harder than it looks especially when you like to run a lot. I had to cut back on my running and increase my eating. Luckily, I am at a…