• Top 5 Summer Reads

    Good morning! Yesterday, Laura came over to discuss the final workings of Paige’s Bachelorette party this coming weekend.  I seriously cannot wait, it is going to be a blast–but I have a ton to get done before then!  We decided to go up to the pool to catch a few rays and cool off, as my house is still without AC (the guy is coming today thank goodness!). When we were at the pool discussing the ins and outs of the partay, our discussion randomly switched to talking about books that we wanted to read this summer.  I am pretty much all or nothing when it comes to reading (aka…

  • Davidson River Campground Trip and Oskar Blues Brewery

    Happy Monday! This weekend, I went on a camping trip with Drew’s family.  They go camping twice a year–once in the spring/summer and once in the fall.  This trip we went to the Davidson River Campground near Brevard, North Carolina.  We ate a lot, drank, napped (amazing!), investigated the farmers market, floated/tubed down the river, went on a couple amazing runs through the woods and enjoyed each other’s company.  It was a great time spent with his family 🙂 If you would have asked me 3 years ago if I would enjoy camping the answer most definitely would have been no!  Growing up my family never went camping–we are not…

  • Date Night: Jurassic World and Yard House

    Happy, happy Friday 🙂 Last night, Drew and I had a dinner and movie date.  We have been trying to go on dates every Thursday night, but life sometimes gets in the way.  Drew absolutely loves going to the movies, I on the other hand do not (I think that they are too expensive, DVDs come out 2 months after movies are premiered, you cannot talk, and I am a tad scared of being confined in a dark theater with many people–a tad claustrophobic/partypooper).  He was so excited when I said that we could go (it has literally been over a year). We went to The Yard House for a…

  • New Running Clothes and Sun Room Complete

    I absolutely love online shopping, because I have a tendency to forget what I purchase and then a package shows up at the door–and it is basically like a mini Christmas/Birthday.  What did people do before online shopping?!  I remember as a kid looking through LandsEnd/L.L.Bean catalogs with my mom and marking what I wanted–and then she would call the various numbers in to place an order.  I’m guessing that people still order things that way, but online purchasing is the way to go in my book! Last week, I talked about the sale that Athleta was having and I took advantage of the extra 20 percent off and bought…

  • 100 Degree Run

    Weatherman says that it is going to be another hot one.  I have a feeling that this summer is going to be exceptionally HOT.  I am not complaining because I love the heat so much more than the cold–but our AC isn’t working properly downstairs making it consistently hot, hot, hot in my household! Yesterday, I had every intention of going for a run in the morning but that run turned into a midday run.  Whoopies! Since I got a later start, I decided to go on my shady 5 mile route that I run with Scout (it was too hot to take my furry friend).  I was a little…

  • Things to Buy at Costco

    Yesterday, I braved the summer crowd and went to Costco.  I try to avoid Costco on the weekends at all costs and definitely avoid it on Sundays after church (people love some free samples).  I had to pick up a boston butt (which is really a pork shoulder–why it is called a butt is unknown to me) and of course found numerous other finds.  Costco is fairly close to my house which makes it convenient to purchase items that I know we will eat/use daily. My top things to buy at Costco: Coffee: Charleston Coffee Roasters is my favorite coffee and Costco carries it! The coffee is smooth and not…

  • Weekend Recap with a side of Homemade Chocolate Chip Pecan Banana Bread

    Happy Monday! This weekend was a busy one.  Friday night started off with a wonderful night in with my husband.  We have been busy/traveling so much that it was really nice to have a night in!  I rented 50 Shades of Grey and forced Drew to watch it with me (after whining that this was not a movie that he would EVER pick out).  I thought that the movie was okay, obviously the book was better–but isn’t that how movies/books always are?!  I will definitely be watching the next couple when they come out. Saturday morning, I painted/put the first coat of paint on our sunroom.  Our biggest complaint about…

  • Top 5 Life Hacks

    I totally believe in not “reinventing the wheel.”  If there is something that I can do to make things simpler and more cost effective without reducing quality I am 100% down with it. Here is a list of my five most recent “life hacks”: 1. Fake Flowers My husband jokes that I have a “black thumb” rather than a “green thumb” as I have a tendency to kill all the plants or flowers that I plant.  We moved to our house over 2 years ago and I have literally spent hundreds of dollars on flowers that all die.  I am always optimistic that I can keep flowers alive so I…

  • Homemade Cliff Bars and Homemade Lara Bars

    I have been doing a little experimenting in the kitchen.  I used to love to bake as it was my stress reliever in undergrad and law school.  After the “real world” and for no reason at all, I stopped baking.  Now I will cook dinner as needed and will do the occasional baking i.e. strawberry pie, cookies for special occasions, etc. but I have lost my passion for baking.  I am not sure that my little experiment in the kitchen will bring back to life my love for baking (as no actual baking was needed) but its a start. As I have mentioned before, Drew is in school and needs…

  • Baltimore 10 Miler Review

    Good morning! I have been MIA because I have been traveling up and down the east coast.  My sister, BIL and nephew just moved to a new city and new home.  I told my sister as a house warming gift that I would help her paint the living room dubbed as the “red room of pain.”  So I decided to make a trip of it and travel up to Maryland for a long weekend (with Scout in tow of course!). As I was thinking about the need to motivate myself to run, I looked up races in the area for the weekend.  The Baltimore 10 miler was scheduled for the…