• How To Get Motivated To Run

    I have been in serious need of running motivation.  While I enjoy running everyday (well mosts days), I find myself lacking the motivation that comes when training for a race.  When training for a race, I am so much more motivated to get out and go and push my body to its limits.  Recently, I have been averaging around a 9-10 minute mile which is slower than my usual 8 minute pace.  While it feels good to listen to my body, I feel the need to push a little bit harder than I have been.  This afternoon, I decided that enough was enough and I am getting back in training/race…

  • One Year Anniversary Trip to Hilton Head Island and Savannah

    Last weekend was a great one!  Drew and I celebrated our first wedding anniversary in Hilton Head and Savannah.  It is so hard to believe that it was over a year ago that we got married!  I would be lying if I said that our first year was completely smooth sailing, but I can say that we learned a lot about each other and together we got through some challenging times that definitely brought us closer together.  I could not be happier than to be Drew’s wife and I am so blessed that I found such an amazing man who understands me and even when he doesn’t will put up…

  • Bridal Shower at Willow Creek Inn and Memorial Day Weekend

    Please note: I lost my computer charger and didn’t post this when I originally wanted to–oops!! Hello and happy Tuesday!  Isn’t it so great when the weekday starts on Tuesday?!  On a Tuesday… This weekend I had the great pleasure of attending my best friend’s bridal shower in Vale, North Carolina.  My best friend, Paige, and I have been friends since we were 2 years old!  Yes, we go wayyyy back.  I lived in Hickory, North Carolina until I was in middle school when my family moved to Maryland.  Despite being miles apart, Paige and I managed to stay close.  When it was time to tour colleges, we went together…

  • 9 Round Review and Thursday Night Date Night

    Happy Friday (of a loong weekend)!  Can you believe it is already memorial day weekend?! It was hard waking up this morning as I was still sore from my 9 Round workout on Wednesday.  I feel like a total lazy, out of shape loser right now–but cannot help it.  A couple months ago, Drew/my credit card has compromised and fraudulently charged (I found out about it when I was trying to pay for lunch with a friend that I hadn’t seen in YEARS and my credit card was declined 3 times–talk about embarrassing!!). My gym membership was on autodraft (I called all of our bill providers with autopay to inform…

  • What I Ate on Wednesday :)

    I have seen many blogs post where people post what they ate in a given day.  I am a notorious snacker/grazer and have a really hard time documenting all that I eat.  I have tried the food journals and my fitness pal app to record what I eat.  However, I always give up halfway through the day because I eat consistently and it’s extremely annoying to write down every chocolate chip morsel that I put in my mouth (last night I’m pretty sure I had about 25).  Admittedly, I enjoy reading what people eat throughout the day–sounds really strange but it is interesting seeing all the unique meals that people…

  • What is the best protein bar? and 90 degree Run

    Wow it has definitely heated up in Greenville.  Yesterday, I went for a HOT 6 mile run.  I take full responsibility for my bad timing, but a girl can still complain a little ;).  I wasn’t able to go for a run until around 2:30 yesterday aka the heat of the day.  It was a little sluggish, but overall I had a pretty good run.  I wanted to add an additional 2.5, but since I forgot money (to buy water at CVS–I hate running with water bottles) I opted out and just did my normal 6. Following my run, I ventured to Trader Joe’s to pick up some protein bars…

  • Edisto Beach Summer 2015 Trip #1

    Happy Monday! We had a wonderful weekend in Edisto with Drew’s family.  Edisto Beach/Island is one of my favorite places on earth.  So many special memories have been made in Edisto (i.e. getting engaged over 2 years ago on the beach) and we always have a great time! This was our first spring/summer trip to Edisto and I cannot wait for the many more trips to come (already have a week long vacation planned later this summer along with a couple weekend trips with friends!). This weekend we did a lot of relaxing and enjoyed the start of summer weather at the beach.  The water is still a little chilly,…

  • Girls on the Run Coaches Dinner, Strawberry Pie and Charleston Run

    Hello from Charleston!  Drew and I woke up super early this morning and made our way down to Charleston.  We are celebrating my mother-in-law’s birthday in Edisto this weekend and came down early so that Drew could work in Charleston (he travels to Charleston a couple times a month for work).  My sister-in-law, Meredith, and I are going down to the beach house later this afternoon and Drew will meet up with us a little bit later.  After Drew dropped me off, Meredith and I ventured to pick up some last minute items from Trader Joe’s–which lets be honest I went in needing to get lettuce and walked out with…

  • Spring Cleaning and Old School Finds

    My morning started off with a brisk 2 mile run with Scout.  I took my own advice from yesterday and decided to take advantage of the warmer weather/cool morning weather and go for a run rather than walk in the morning.  I am so glad that I did–the temperature was in the low 70’s coupled with a cool breeze making the weather and my run perfect!  I ran into many familiar faces that I haven’t seen in months–the same group of people tend to walk around the neighborhood that I run in (around the same time everyday–I am assuming!). Yesterday, I decided to do some spring cleaning.  Admittedly, I have…

  • Morning Walks, Afternoon Jogs and Dining Room Decorating

    Good morning!  In my opinion, there is nothing better than waking up and going on a walk with your dog and a cup of coffee.  I started walking with Scout in the morning when we first moved to Greenville.  Our neighborhood is not very big–but going from cul-de-sac to cul-de-sac totals about a mile.  Our walks turned into runs and now have ventured back into walks.  I am not a big cold weather girl, so waking up and going for a run in the cold weather is not for me.  But the warmer weather and not wearing 500 layers means that I maybe starting back my morning runs instead of…