• How to Best Cope When Your Child has a Cold

    I am sharing what works for me to keep my sanity and health while playing nurse to my children. I realize that being the most positive, patient and encouraging version of myself helps my children feel better so I do all I can to bring that version of myself out.

  • Tallulah Gorge State Park Camping

    Family Fun Camping Trip with Young Kids to Tallulah Gorge

    Last weekend, we travelled a couple hours north of Atlanta to go camping at Tallulah Gorge. We try to have two annual camping trips; one in the late spring and one in the early fall. Drew has been wanting to visit the Gorge and with the leaves changing, it was the perfect time to visit. Since the campground at Tallulah Gorge State Park is pretty small, it fills up very quickly so I made sure to book a few months out! We arrived to the campsite on Friday afternoon and got settled in. The boys were so excited to help set up camp and to sleep in their sleeping bags.…

  • Honest, Real life Journey with PCOS from having babies to managing symptoms

    Real Life with PCOS: Living and Thriving with PCOS

    While I was embarrassed about the diagnosis for years, as the symptoms associated with PCOS are not pretty at all, I have grown to understand that it is a part of my story and a part that I am here to share with others.


    BEST Tips for Peaceful Road Trips with Preschoolers

    As we love visiting friends and family, we travel quite frequently in the car so I am breaking down some of my best travel tips for preschool aged kids.

  • BEST Way to spend FOUR nights in Outerbanks

    Amazing Four Night Family Vacation to The Outerbanks

    We had FOUR fun filled days to the Outerbanks with two little kids and a tropical storm! Even with a tropical storm in the forecast, we managed to have an incredible trip to Pine Knoll Shores in the southern Outerbanks and make the most of every day there! We definitely came back feeling refreshed and revived 🙂 Drew’s aunt and uncle have a place in a wonderful community that has access to numerous pools, tennis courts, marinas, and beautiful landscape. Following our 9 hour car trip (the boys did wonderful!!), we biked up to the pool for a couple hours to get out all their energy. Reid and Walker both…

  • BEST Money Saving Tips For Stay at Home Moms

    My husband jokes that, “I have champagne taste on a craft beer budget” meaning I like nice things but raising two boys on a single income means we have to budget accordingly. It is so important that our family has wonderful EXPERIENCES so when it comes to material things I make sure I save money. In order to have the lifestyle and things we desire, saving money where possible is key! Here I am breaking down 10 of my ALL TIME BEST money saving tips. Shop at bargain grocery stores: With rising inflation prices at grocery stores, I have been able to lower my weekly grocery bill by 20-30% shopping…

  • Top Recommendations in Jackson Hole for Family Vacation

    We just got back from a week long vacation to visit my mom in Jackson Hole. We have been to Jackson 3 times in the past 10 months, but this was the first time we took our boys. They were so excited to see Nana’s house and explore the “Wild West.” While completely different than a vacation without kids, this trip definitely lived up to all of our expectations. We are excited to take them back in 2022. We went Saturday to Saturday, and y’all that is a game changer. Having the extra day at home (Sunday) before getting back into the swing of life makes a HUGE difference. I…

  • Coffee Addict to Caffeine Free: Perspective After One Month

    I went from drinking 4 to 6 cups of coffee a day (yes, an entire pot of coffee!) to zero caffeine and am here to tell you the good and the bad and advice if you want to make the switch 🙂 A little background: I did not drink caffeine during my first pregnancy or while nursing my second son. Additionally, I survived life without drinking caffeine (other than the occasional Diet Coke) until my junior year of college! I have an addictive personality, so for me going COLD TURKEY is easier than moderation. I knew that I could go without caffeine, but as any coffee addict will tell you,…

  • Social Media Free for A Week

    I randomly decided to get off of social media for a week and am sharing the positives, negatives and things I want to implement following a short hiatus. Here is what I found out…not much happens. At least that is my experience. I thought that maybe I would have a lot more time on my hands, I would be more present, more at peace, focus on more important things, communicate better…but truthfully, not a ton changed. Below I am breaking down my perspective. My positive experiences from taking a social media break: Real time communication: Not seeing what my friends were doing on a daily basis made me reach out…

  • Camping with Toddlers: Family Fun on Lake Lanier

    We just got back from a weekend long camping trip to Shoal Creek Campground on Lake Lanier. This is our first lake camping trip and first time camping with just our immediate family. We have taken both of the boys camping in years past, with the help of other family members, but at ages 3 and 5 we are ready to go with just our family. I am pretty sure camping will get better and better every year. We usually go camping in the mountains, but switched it up to go lake camping as it is closer to home (only 45 minutes away) and near where we keep our boat.…