• Fourth of July Weekend Recap: Family Fun with Friends and Fireworks

    We had such a fun long Fourth of July weekend. It was the first time in months that we had visitors–and I have to say, I miss having guests! Drew’s best friend, Jake and his wife and kids came to visit. Reid and their oldest son are quickly becoming best buds, just like their daddys 🙂 They got in late Thursday evening which allowed us to have a full day on Friday. We ventured to the pool that afternoon, followed by nap time and a quiet evening chatting and eating homemade pizza (Drew’s latest obsession, which I secretly love!). We woke up on Saturday morning and ventured back to the…

  • Navigating Motherhood and Burn Out During Covid-19

    Let me start this by saying this comes from the heart. As I write this I in no way want to offend anyone or seem to be ungrateful. I just feel the need to speak from my heart and the place that I am currently at. My purpose behind this post is that maybe people can relate and feel a sense of relief that they are not alone in their feelings. Lets talk about being the best mom you can be. Lately, I have felt burnt out. It is not fair to my children, my husband or myself. It pains me to feel that I haven’t been giving the absolute…

  • Five Favorites from Amazon: Skin Care, Scooter, Workout Shirts and More!

    Have you noticed a lot more delivery trucks driving around town recently? Not going to lie, we have been doing our fair share to help the economy utilizing online shopping! Here is a list of 5 of my favorite purchases from Amazon (I will share my favorite purchases from Target and Costco soon!). Top 5 Amazon Purchases and Deals: Vitamin C and Retinol: I recently posted on my instastories about my new skin care routine, including vitamin C and Retinol. I guess I live in a cave (and admittedly, just started routinely washing my face in January–gross, but true!), but I just discovered two inexpensive skin ointments that assist in…

  • Anniversary Trip to the Inn at Biltmore Estate in Asheville, North Carolina

    We just got back from an amazing night stay at the Inn at the Biltmore Estate in Asheville, North Carolina. We were very hesitant of staying in a hotel given the state of things right now, but decided since we haven’t had a night away in 8 months it was worth the risk. I will say that I was beyond comfortable at the Inn, they are taking precautions and everyone is very respectful in keeping distance and wearing masks. I highly recommend traveling to Asheville or anywhere in Buncombe county right now as the people and visitors are being very diligent. We got to the Inn around 6 on Thursday…

  • Whether or Not to Send Kids to Preschool During Covid-19

    Parenting is a challenging season, and parenting during a pandemic is even more challenging. I have learned more about myself and how I parent in the past 4 months than ever before. I have learned to give myself grace when things don’t go exactly as planned. I have embraced the occasional TV time when I am nearing my breaking point. And I have dug deep to find fun activities that bond us closer together. We have become such a tight little family and for that I am grateful for this quarantine. That being said, one of the parenting challenges that came up recently is sending the boys to preschool. Both…

  • Road Trips with Toddlers (without screen time): Tips and Tricks for an Enjoyable Car Ride

    We have gone on our fair share of car rides this year and I thought I would share a couple of the things we do to make the car rides less chaotic! Having two energetic toddlers confined to a car for 5+ hours can be daunting, but we have a few tricks that allow us to make the road trips enjoyable and lets be honest, tolerable 😉 It is probably not a popular opinion, but I am not a huge fan of screen time. For us, it makes my kids become little monsters as soon as we take away screens. I would rather not deal with the mood shift, so…

  • Father’s Day Weekend Recap: First Visit to See Family in Waynesville, North Carolina

    Seeing family is so good for the soul! It has been since February since we have seen Drew’s family and since December since we have seen mine. While we FaceTime often with family, nothing replaces visiting in person. This past weekend, we had our first trip to see my in-laws for Father’s Day weekend. Both of Drew’s step-siblings and sister along with their significant others were there which made the trip that much more special. My in-laws were very kind to keep the boys for an evening on Thursday night while Drew and I ventured to the Inn at Biltmore for a much needed child-free evening (separate post on our…

  • Lazy Girl Grapefruit Margarita Recipe

    If you know me, then you know I love me some wine. While I may not be a “wine-o,” I am the girl that orders wine at breweries and takes it to the beach (even though it is inconvenient ha!). However, over the past few months I have had issues drinking wine. The next morning, even if I only have one glass of wine–I wake up feeling horrible and not able to function as optimal as I like. I tried drinking organic wine, sulfate free wine, wine with low sugar, and really any trick in the book to make wine not cause me miserable mornings—well, nothing seemed to work. In…

  • Weekend Recap: Visiting Friends in Sullivans Island, South Carolina

    We just got back from a weekend away visiting friends and family. It has been so nice traveling again and I feel super comfortable as we are basically just quarantining in different locations. This past weekend we visited one of my best friends and Drew’s sister. It was a quick trip but was wonderful being back in the city we love. On Friday night, we stayed with Drew’s sister in Park Circle (a super cute and growing town just north of Charleston). She welcomed us with a wonderful home cooked meal and kept the kids very entertained. The boys shared a room and a bed for the first time–lets just…

  • Anniversary Weekend and Weekend on Lake Lanier

    We celebrated our 6th anniversary this weekend with plenty of family time and sunshine. While it wasn’t a typical anniversary of going to a tropical island, to the beach or even out to a fancy dinner–it was exactly how I wanted to celebrate our 6th wedding anniversary (lets be honest, a tropical island vacation will always trump everything–but you know what I’m saying!). We started the weekend off with a pool night with a few of our neighbors. Our neighborhood is starting to “turn over” with new, younger families moving in which means that our boys are finding new friends to play with. It is amazing to see the boys…