
Best Podcasts for Stay at Home Moms

Y’all, I am obsessed with podcasts right now.  Being a stay at home mom, I crave “adult conversation” and using my brain.  I started listening to podcasts about a month ago and it has been such a game changer in my life.  Best part is they are FREE!


My Top 5 Favorite Podcasts:

  1. Goal Digger by Jenna Kutcher.  The Goal Digger podcast is absolutely amazing.  Jenna makes you feel like she is your best friend and provides inspiring words in every episode.  She interviews amazing entrepreneurs, who provide valuable information and insight into their success. Jenna is candid and REAL which is refreshing.
  2. Shameless Mom Academy.  Shameless Mom Academy was the first podcast that I listened to and is one that I go back to every few podcast.  She focuses on motherhood topics while empowering women.  I love hearing the stories about her son and I feel like I actually know her.
  3. The Influencer Podcast with Julie Soloman.  The Influencer podcast is about promoting and growing your brand. Julie interviews successful and inspirational women who all have great stories and provide insight of how they built their businesses.  I am intrigued by enterpenuars and love hearing all of the interviews.
  4. The Life Coach School Podcast with Brooke Castillo.  This is a new one for me, but I am a huge self-help lover and this podcast totally gets me thinking.  I love her recommendations for improving and empowering everyday life.  Brooke is highly successful and is unapologic, her words always leave me wanting to be a better me.  This is a perfect podcast if you need thought provoking insight into yourself.  Basically, this podcast is free therapy 🙂
  5. Rise/Dias Podcast with Rachel Hollis.  I LOVE Rachel Hollis.  I read her new book Girl, Wash Your Face and fell in love with her and her story.  She is so real, down to earth and relatable (in a much cooler girl way!).  Her podcast is much like her book where she gives you tips to living your best life.

I turn podcasts on when I go for runs, when the boys are napping and sometimes when I am cooking dinner.  Podcasts make me feel like I am connected with the adult world and provide a small escape from everything toddler/baby.

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