
Family and toddler life

  • Healthy and Simple School Lunches for Young Children

    Making school lunches can be stressful. We specifically choose our boys’ classes based on being able to have lunch at home to avoid packing school lunches. I honestly love eating lunch with my boys and it is a lot simpler to just make them a meal at home than to pack a lunch within the allergy parameters at school. I am pretty sure the whole “you make a plan, and God laughs” applies to this year’s school lunch situation. Our school only had one option for Reid’s age group, which meant he had to eat lunch at school. I was stressed about packing a school lunch for the first time…

  • Big Changes From 5 Year Old to 6 Year Old

    Birthdays are always hard for this mama, it is the objective sign of getting older and signifies a completely different age and stage. Reid is going to be 6 in just a few days and while he is super excited to have another finger to hold up to signify his age, his mama is reflecting over the years very bittersweetly. Five has been a year of physical and emotional growth for Reid. While I feel like the other ages were more focused on milestones, the fifth year has been a huge leap in emotional status for my little guy. He is definitely growing up and realizing the social norms and…

  • Easy DIY Holiday Gift Idea for Neighbors: White Chocolate Covered Pretzels

    For years, I have been baking cookies and treats for neighbors. It is a simple and sweet way to thank people who live near you for being welcoming and friendly neighbors. It’s the little things that bring smiles to people’s faces this time of year and I love being a small part of that. Some years, I go all out and bake 5 different types of cookies, but this year I kept it very simple and made delicious no bake white chocolate pretzels. The boys helped me by adding holiday sprinkles to the pretzels. It was such a fun and easy activity that turned out amazing! Supplies: Holiday shaped pretzels…

  • How to Best Cope When Your Child has a Cold

    I am sharing what works for me to keep my sanity and health while playing nurse to my children. I realize that being the most positive, patient and encouraging version of myself helps my children feel better so I do all I can to bring that version of myself out.

  • Honest, Real life Journey with PCOS from having babies to managing symptoms

    Real Life with PCOS: Living and Thriving with PCOS

    While I was embarrassed about the diagnosis for years, as the symptoms associated with PCOS are not pretty at all, I have grown to understand that it is a part of my story and a part that I am here to share with others.


    BEST Tips for Peaceful Road Trips with Preschoolers

    As we love visiting friends and family, we travel quite frequently in the car so I am breaking down some of my best travel tips for preschool aged kids.

  • Father’s Day Gift Guide 2021: Things My Husband Loves (or Will Love)

    Father’s Day is right around the corner, so I have complied a list of items either my husband loves or that I purchased for him for Father’s Day. This list is tried and true and bound to make the special man in your life happy 🙂 Father’s Day Gift Guide: Floafers: Y’all these are amazing shoes that my husband LOVES. He likes to wear loafers and these double as pool/boat shoes. If you are planning on taking a summer vacation, make sure your man has a pair of these–Drew no longer has to pack an additional pair of dress loafers! Bonus: they sell these in kids sizes too 🙂 American…

  • Useful Items for Simplifying Flying with Little Ones

    We have flown quite a bunch the past few months, including two trips with our young children. I am sharing my top 7 tips to simplify air travel with littles during this on-going pandemic to help keep everyone healthy, safe and happy during their travels. And a shout out to my best friend, who called me for tips before her upcoming trip with three young children and inspired this post 🙂 Top 7 Tips for Traveling on an Airplane with Littles: Double stroller or wagon: If you follow me on social media, you probably know my love of my lightweight double stroller for traveling. Using a double stroller or wagon…

  • Pool Bag Essentials with Kids to Simplify Life this Summer

    Preparing for the pool this summer is A LOT simpler since I have my MUST HAVE list from last summer (I found a post that I never published!). I thought I would share with y’all my go to pool bag to help simplify life a little 🙂 For reference, my boys are 3 and 5. They don’t know how to swim yet (long story), but they are working on it. Here is my list of 10 LOVED items for summer. Bogg Bag: Y’all I get asked about this bag ALL THE TIME. It is super cute, durable and very practical. It is super versatile too, I brought it along to…