Morning Walks, Afternoon Jogs and Dining Room Decorating
Good morning! In my opinion, there is nothing better than waking up and going on a walk with your dog and a cup of coffee. I started walking with Scout in the morning when we first moved to Greenville. Our neighborhood is not very big–but going from cul-de-sac to cul-de-sac totals about a mile. Our walks turned into runs and now have ventured back into walks. I am not a big cold weather girl, so waking up and going for a run in the cold weather is not for me. But the warmer weather and not wearing 500 layers means that I maybe starting back my morning runs instead of…
Recap on Swamp Rabbit 5k with Girls on the Run and Adults Playing Hooky
Yesterday was the final day of the Girls on the Run Spring 2015 season! Our season ran from February to May with the final 5k run last Friday evening. Our Greenville girls joined 6 thousand other runners in the Swamp Rabbit 5k run. Friday night was so much fun and it was amazing to see all of our girls finish the race–with smiles on their faces :). Most of our girls ran with their parents, friends or other coaches. It is such an amazing thing that 3rd-5th graders can say that they ran a 5k! I am extremely proud of each and everyone of our girls and cannot wait until next…