
  • Stress Relief Techniques During The Quarantine

    Week four of the coronavirus quarantine and its time to find new stress relief techniques in our household.  We have been indulging more on our adult beverages and running/biking to relieve stress.  While the extra runs are certainly great for the body, the alcohol consumption is definitely not!  After many discussions, input from others (thank you friends on social media!) and online research; I complied a list of activities that hopefully will provide joy and stress relief to others during this crazy period. List of Stress Relief Activities:  Journalling: If you haven’t tried journalling now is a perfect time to preserve your memories of this crazy time and destress by…

  • Training for a Half Marathon in 7 Weeks

    I did it, I successfully ran the Atlanta Half Marathon in 1:50!! After a long 6 year hiatus from distance running, I am BACK 🙂The thing that I want to share most is my training, which is something that is COMPLETELY different than my past marathon training.  Training for the Atlanta Half Marathon, I was all about showing myself grace and taking it super easy on myself which I believe paid off in the end.  It is crazy to me to think that I averaged less than 8:30 minute miles, when I was training at a 10:30 pace!Here is a little breakdown of how I trained for the half marathon…

  • Working Out with Newborn and Toddler

    Working out is a necessity for my mental health.  Since law school, I have overcome stress and anxiety by running and working out.  Having a newborn and a 2 year old makes working out even more important as it allows me to be a more patient parent. Surprisingly, I was okay’ed to workout immediately following my hospital discharge.  With Reid I was instructed to wait until my 6 week appointment, but the physicians (and I got a second opinion) said that I could workout as soon as I felt up for it and just needed to listen to my body. My first run was about 2 weeks postpartum (Easter in…

  • Finding the Right Workout

    Hi Friends! I have to admit that I am one to follow trends when it comes to working out.  However, time and time again, I get disappointed and I relearn the lesson that I have to listen to MY body and its needs. Fitness is an ongoing and ever changing relationship.  When I find myself bored with a workout, I need to change it up.  I crave endorphins, so I know that as long as my body allows it, I will be working out in some form.  I am someone who would still workout, even if I could be super lean and thin without doing a thing (which unfortunately I…

  • Working Out with Baby

    Happy Friday the 13th!!  Week days with my little man seem to fly by!  I have been making a point of keeping both of us busy during the days.  I am not one to sit at home and watch TV all day (though I will admit that having some designated snuggle days in front of the TV are quite amazing!).  This week I wanted to try out different workouts I could do with Reid. On Monday, we went on a quick 2 mile jog around the neighborhood.  He loves his stroller and always ends up falling asleep half way through. On Tuesday, I needed to switch it up and went…

  • Finding New Running Routes

    Today, I am linking up with Sara from Lake Shore Runner for Tried It Tuesday. As I am training for the Richmond Marathon in November, I have come across the need to change up my running routes.  I am a creature of habit–once I find a route, I stick with the same route forever.  However, with snake sightings on one of my routes (literally I have seen 2–and that is enough to call it quits!) and no shade on my other go-to route I need a change! I downloaded MapMyRun a couple months back to keep in touch with my family members who run.  It is such a fun app…

  • WIAW #1: Taco Tuesday

    Happy Hump Day!  I am so pumped that the Fourth of July long weekend is quickly approaching.  You can bet your bottom dollar that tomorrow afternoon, we are hitting the road down to the beach (please, please no traffic!!). Today, I am linking up with Jenn from Peas and Crayons for What I ate Wednesday.  Please no judgment on this post/forewarning, I eat a lot.  A few months back, my doctor informed me that I needed to put on some weight–which is harder than it looks especially when you like to run a lot.  I had to cut back on my running and increase my eating.  Luckily, I am at a…

  • Tried it Tuesday: Online Barre, Public Library Online and Chia Seeds

    Good morning! Today I am linking up with Lake Shore Runner for Tried It Tuesday.  As I am about the most indecisive person in the world, instead of choosing one thing to talk about I picked three (completely different things!).  The top three new things I tried this week: 1. Online Barre I really wanted to take a barre class as I had such a great experience last week.  However, the studio that I went to does not offer barre classes on Mondays, so I decided to look up online barre classes.  Sure enough I came across a bunch of different online videos.  I followed one that I found on…

  • Getting My Groove Back: First Barre Class

    Good morning!! After yesterdays post, I realized that I needed to stop whining, put on my big girl panties and just do it!  I find that reading other blogs really motivates me to get out and run/exercise even when I do not feel like it and I thank you for your lovely comments they really helped energize me! This morning, I stepped out of my comfort zone and took a barre class.  I have always been intrigued by barre classes, but have been either too intimidated or cheap (or both) to actually take one.  This morning was the perfect time to test it out, as I am still not ecstatic…

  • 100 Degree Run

    Weatherman says that it is going to be another hot one.  I have a feeling that this summer is going to be exceptionally HOT.  I am not complaining because I love the heat so much more than the cold–but our AC isn’t working properly downstairs making it consistently hot, hot, hot in my household! Yesterday, I had every intention of going for a run in the morning but that run turned into a midday run.  Whoopies! Since I got a later start, I decided to go on my shady 5 mile route that I run with Scout (it was too hot to take my furry friend).  I was a little…