
Dear My Baby on Your First Day of Preschool

Dear My Sweet Preschool Boy,

Wow, sending you off to preschool is a lot harder than I could ever imagine.  Yes, it is only for 2 days a week for 3 hours (6 hours a week, 24 hours a month), but it is hard to let go.  You have been my side kick and with me everyday since you were born (with the exception of a few babysitters/grandparents watching you).  I know everyone you interact with and I know where every bad and good habit you pick up is from.  I know who you talk to and who you play with.  I am always there if another kid pushes you, takes your toy or makes you feel uncomfortable.  I am always there to stick up for you and to make things better.

Sending you off to preschool means that I will no longer know every single thing that you do.  I will not know every interaction that you have or where you picked up a new saying or who you are playing with.  I will not be there if someone steals your toy or if you fall down on the playground.

It is hard but I am going to be sharing you with two wonderful teachers and 9 other children.  You are going to grow as a little boy and make new friends without having your mommy right by your side at all times. You will spread your wings and learn to play with others and stick up for yourself.

As I am writing this, tears are flowing uncontrollably because I know that my little boy is growing up.  The one thing I cannot do it stop time.  As much as I would love for you to stay a little baby who always needs his mommy for everything, I know how important it is for you to be independent.

Admittedly, when we signed up in February it seemed like a lifetime before you would actually walk in those doors and go to class.  But the time has come and tomorrow morning, your daddy, brother and I will drive you to school and walk you in for your first day.  I know that you are going to have so much fun playing with trucks and learning new songs, I know you will play with kids that are your same age and hopefully make new friends, I know you will love playing on the playground and I am confident that you will show everyone the sweet, caring and loving little boy you are.

My worries are probably like most parents, I don’t want you to change.  I don’t want you to get negative influence and I don’t want anything to take away from the beautiful and smart boy you are.  I want you to have confidence and to make friends and to have fun.  I don’t want you to get pushed around or feel embarrassed or scared, I want you to shine.

You are such an incredible little boy and I cannot express how much I love you.  I want what is best for you and I know that letting go (just a little bit) will allow you to grow and flourish.  I want you to know that I will always be there for you, even if I am not physically there.  I want you to know that I believe in you and I know you are going to do great things in life.  This is the first big step in growing up and I know you will soar.

I love you with all of my heart, you are my baby and the boy that won his mama’s heart the moment we met.  To me, you will always be that little baby that I brought home from the hospital in a gray whale onesie and the little boy who smiles and loves everyone he is around.  You are the sweetest and most tenderhearted boy.  I know that the wonderful little boy you are will shine in preschool and you can trust that at 12:25 tomorrow afternoon, your baby brother and I will be waiting for you at your classroom door eager to hear about your day.


Love you for always, Mommy