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Edisto Beach Summer 2015 Trip #1

Happy Monday!

We had a wonderful weekend in Edisto with Drew’s family.  Edisto Beach/Island is one of my favorite places on earth.  So many special memories have been made in Edisto (i.e. getting engaged over 2 years ago on the beach) and we always have a great time! This was our first spring/summer trip to Edisto and I cannot wait for the many more trips to come (already have a week long vacation planned later this summer along with a couple weekend trips with friends!).

About to be a sunset
Our engagement stake–where the ring box was planted!
Celebrating after our engagement April 2013

This weekend we did a lot of relaxing and enjoyed the start of summer weather at the beach.  The water is still a little chilly, but it is warm enough to walk around in (I didn’t get further than waist deep–though there were plenty of people already swimming around).

View from the back deck never gets old
Scout with her visor just hanging out
She wore her visor everywhere–silly dog!
Cheesing at our engagement spot
We got a little sunburnt :/

We enjoyed great meals and even better company.  For my mother-in-law’s birthday dinner we had local caught jumbo shrimp, tomato pie from King’s Market (great local store on the way to the island), homemade pasta salad with cake and strawberry pie for dessert.  There are few meals better than fresh fish/shrimp and sides from King’s Market!

5 lbs of shrimp–1lb each 🙂

Drew and I went on a couple of 3.5 mile runs each morning.  As the weather is getting hotter, we had to go in the morning in order to beat the heat (though I swear it was still in the 80’s when we were running).  We both guessed that we ran closer to 4-5 miles, but after clocking it we realized it was only 3.5 miles–ek!  I hate when a run feels like soo much longer than it actually is–but I guess that is what heat and flat land does to you.  Either way, our runs were very enjoyable and a nice way to chat while enjoying different views of the island.

Gross picture after our Sunday morning run

We had a great weekend with his family and I am looking forward to the rest of our summer vacations 🙂