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Getting My Groove Back: First Barre Class

Good morning!!

After yesterdays post, I realized that I needed to stop whining, put on my big girl panties and just do it!  I find that reading other blogs really motivates me to get out and run/exercise even when I do not feel like it and I thank you for your lovely comments they really helped energize me!

This morning, I stepped out of my comfort zone and took a barre class.  I have always been intrigued by barre classes, but have been either too intimidated or cheap (or both) to actually take one.  This morning was the perfect time to test it out, as I am still not ecstatic about running and doing hot yoga/9 round makes me want to just pass out thinking about how hot I would get!

I took a barre class at Core Balance in Greenville.  From what I gather, Core Balance is a boutique studio and offers pilates, barre and yoga classes.  They recently moved into a new location and the facility was extremely clean.  I walked in and was greeted by Janine, who I spoke to on the phone yesterday, and chatted with two other ladies waiting on the class.  I was pleasantly surprised how open and welcoming everyone was.  I immediately lost my intimidated feeling and started getting excited.

Core Balance

There were 4 other people in the class besides me (and the instructor), making the experience feel like it was a private lesson rather than a huge group lesson.  Janine was a wonderful instructor and assisted me throughout the class.  I cannot believe how great the class felt!  We focused on our legs (my calves seriously were going crazy and I may not be able to walk tomorrow), arms (who knew that 1 pound weights would make you shake) and our core.

After the class, I got a tour of the facility.  The class and overall experience completely exceeded my expectations, and I will definitely be going back.  It is a perfect low impact cross training work out (where you don’t get too sweaty).  Luckily, they offer single classes so my commitment-phob self can rest easy 🙂

Yesterday, I braved the heat at 6pm and went for a run with Scout.  It was still in the upper 80s, even after a summer shower, but it felt surprisingly refreshing.  I ran two easy miles with Scout and then went back for another 2 without her.  I get a little scared running in the heat with her (even with her new haircut), but she did great and was eager to join me!

Running Scout
Running pictures: nothing like seeing a bunch of grown men in line at a ice cream truck
Still sweating at 6:30 at night

Before our run, I saw Drew off on his official last first day of class ever (hopefully)!  As I have talked about, Drew is getting his MBA from Clemson while working full time.  He is one busy boy, but has been killing it in both school and work.  I am so proud of him and I know that he cannot wait to be finished with school.  He keeps joking that it will be the second happiest day of his life (our wedding is number one, obvs ha!).

Soo cute–he hates when I take his picture, but he still does it 🙂
Last First Day of School Present—tailgating friendly

Snap shots of what I have consumed today:

Pre Barre Coffee and Bar (get it Barre and Bar)
Homemade Frittata (such a fun word to say..tatatata).
One slice turned into 3 but its Thursday, so its totally allowed!

Have a great Thursday 🙂

Have you ever tried barre? If so, what did you think about it?

What is your favorite low impact cross training workout?

Do you run with your dog and what are your thoughts on summer runs with dogs?