
Good Bye 2014, Hello 2015

Good morning!  I cannot believe that it is already 2015–it is really making me start to feel old.  Can you believe that 2000 was 15 years ago?!?  That was the new years that everyone thought that the world was going to go black because all the computers were going to shut down aka “y2k”—and now we are dealing with iPhones, iPads, the cloud, etc. and think that all the y2k business was ridiculous! Hindsight is 20/20.

I had a great end of 2014 and great beginning of 2015–it is going to be hard to beat!  I visited with my family up in Maryland where I got to spend quality time with my favorite little nephew.  Admittedly, I never knew how crazy fast babies grow until this little man came!  I wish I could press pause and have him be the same size forever.  It is always funny going home because I essentially split my time between 3 different families–though they are all my family.  Meaning, I basically had 3 different Christmas dinners!  Which this girl cannot complain–though my waistline may disagree.  I do love living in the south with warmer weather, but do hate how far away I am from them 🙁  but it is very nice that they are just a (long) drive or (short) flight away!

One of the several Christmas dinners--soo delicious!

Grandson flirting with his Nana

My nephew is doing his best Zoolander--blue steel

Following my visit to Maryland, Drew and I (and Scout) had our own family Christmas.  I made the traditional meal that my mom used to cook for our family on Christmas Eve–wiener schnitzel (nothing fancy, but it is delicious!).  Then we went off to Chapin to spend time with Drew’s family.  We had a wonderful time and I even got to meet his extended family at an oyster roast in St. George.  It was a great time and a great way to end 2014.

Our first Christmas as a married couple!

Cheese sauce makes everything tasty

For New Years, we went to the mountains of North Carolina with 3 other couples.  We love getting together with our friends and have a blast when we get together with everyone! We all definitely had a great time and it was the perfect way to enter into an amazing new year!!

NYE in the mountains

A trip to Boone for lunch and shopping

Amazing lunch at Proper

Nothing is better than a gorgeous view, wine and cheese

Hiking with the group

Drew and I at the top (or side) of the mountain

last day--fog over the mountains

I am not one for resolutions–but I think that it is a good reminder to focus on ourselves and determine what we want to do differently or what we would like to change about ourselves.  For me, I want to focus on being a kinder person this year.  I know that sounds silly–but I think that sometimes I can get my emotions involved too much and can get frustrated rather than simply being nice and brushing it off.  Also, as always I want to drink more water–ha!