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Life of a Stay at Home Mom in the Summer

Summer time is flying by and it is hard to believe in just a couple short weeks, my baby will be starting kindergarten. I am having all the feels over here, I know he is ready and excited–but a big part of me still thinks of him as that newborn I first brought home from the hospital. He is growing more independent, but still loves to cuddle at night, runs to me when he gets hurt, wants to play with me and his brother and is little in some ways but growing up in many others. We have done our best to soak up all the summer time together and while life is never 100% perfect, this summer has been close!

Summer time is flying by and it is hard to believe in just a couple short weeks, my baby will be starting kindergarten. I am having all the feels over here, I know he is ready and excited–but a big part of me still thinks of him as that newborn I first brought home from the hospital. He is growing more independent, but still loves to cuddle at night, runs to me when he gets hurt, wants to play with me and his brother and is little in some ways but growing up in many others. We have done our best to soak up all the summer time together and while life is never 100% perfect, this summer has been close

We did a TON of travel in June and May, but had the chance to slow down and spend time at home in July. I love to travel and have adventures in other towns, but as my husband reminds me, it is important to stay home too. The past couple of weeks we have just had fun and adventures at home and around our town. We had slow days of pool time, building forts, playing board games and afternoon naps. We had busy days filled with trips to the zoo, Fernbank museum, adventures around town, playdates and play parks. All together it has been a great summer and we have made many memories.

As I think it is interesting to see how other people live, I am sharing how a typical week for a stay at home mom looks!

Walker (4 year old) generally wakes up between 6:45-7:15, which starts off my day. Immediately, I make him breakfast and drink a cup of coffee while chatting with him. Following his breakfast, I head to the back porch to read my devotional, bible and daily inspiration while he colors a picture. Reid (6 year old) wakes up around this time and I leave my readings to make him breakfast and chat with him before returning to my readings. The boys typically play together for an hour or so while I clean up and pick up from breakfast. Ideally, I go downstairs for a 30 minute run while they watch a show on TV (I am usually called to help with food or something 1-3 times during this time).

Following my workout, I grab a quick shower and we are ready for our day. Mornings lately, we have squeezed in a morning bike ride before my workout or right after it. The boys love riding their bikes in the cul-de-sac by our house and Walker is gaining a lot of strength in his legs. Following bike riding, we head home to run some errands–generally to the grocery store. Taking kids to the grocery store is something that has gotten a lot harder with age–before I could just stick them in the cart or bring the stroller–but now they both want to walk/have their own cart/get out of the cart and explore…needless to say, sometimes displays get taken out, carts get rammed together, we get looks and also smiles from fellow shoppers! It is quite the event doing errands, which is why pick up is amazing!!

Following our errands, we grab lunch at the house before heading to the pool for a couple hours. The pool is my saver for summertime activities–Reid is a little fish and burns a lot of energy swimming. Walker loves playing on the steps and I love being outside and able to socialize with neighbors who are up at the pool too. Being in the pool with my boys is so much fun at these ages. I can swim underwater with Reid, throw him up in the air and play games with him. It is fun to play with Walker on the stairs and to hold him like he is a jet ski. Last year, I needed to be in the pool at all times, this year I am in the pool 85 percent of the time, but I am able to sit out every once in a while right next to the pool and watch the boys play! Admittedly, I will miss the days when they need me in the pool but it is a good sign of independence too!

Following the pool, the boys rush into the house immediately take off their swimsuits and start playing. Im pretty sure they get a surge of adrenaline or something following the pool. While they run around, I prep dinner for us and play with them, along with picking up, before Drew gets home. When Drew gets home, the boys are usually sitting down to eat their dinner and we eat close behind them. Following dinner, I clean up the house and kitchen before either taking a family bike ride in the evening or the boys sit and watch a show with Drew while I take Scout on a walk. It is nice to have a little quiet time with the dog (even if this only happens once a week). Following the bike ride, Drew gives them a bath before I get them ready for bed. We typically read 3 books, say affirmations and prayers and I lay with them while they fall asleep. They typically have a burst of energy right before bath and bed…we do our best to calm them down, but boys will be boys! It is the sweetest moment watching them sleep next to me.

Following their bed/bath routine, I get ready for bed and typically will read my book for 30 minutes or watch a short show with Drew on the couch. In the summer, we tend to go to bed earlier than during the winter. I am pretty sure its because we are tuckered out from all the activity! While everyday looks different and our moods are different, most of the days we end happy and look forward to the next day we get to spend together. Summer is my most favorite time of the year and spending my days raising these boys is the best blessing in the world. I feel so much gratitude for being able to stay at home with my boys and watch them grow and play with them throughout the day–I hope to always cherish this time 🙂

What do your typical summer days look like? Are you ready for school to start or want summer to last longer?

Hope you have an amazing day, Cody