
My 2018 Goals/Resolutions

Every New Year comes with new resolutions/goals people make for themselves.  Like most, I set out my goals (even though I am a week late) to make my life more prosperous and fulfilled in the coming year.  My personal goals this year do not include drinking more water or losing weight (thanks to pregnancy both of those are going to organically happen/not happen), rather they include taking care of myself and family.

2018 Goals:

  1. Be more present: I have a tendency to talk on the phone or check Instagram a lot throughout the day.  The time that I spend not paying attention or being present is time that I am not going to get back.  Reid is growing up so fast and I do not want to miss out on the little joys because I am watching videos of someone else’s kids or looking at photos of cute outfits.
  2. Be more patient: As many can (hopefully) relate to, I am quick to snap at my husband and can be impatient when I really need to take a step back to breathe and reevaluate before acting or saying something I don’t mean.  Life with a toddler can be challenging especially with a little one on the way, but I need to remind myself that my husband and I are in it together and to not just assume he can read my mind.  Also, toddlers are still trying to make sense of the world and it is important that I take a step back and allow Reid to get upset and feel frustrated without jumping in immediately and correcting the issue.  Patience is a virtue for sure!

    Growing too fast!
  3. Take time for myself: Surprisingly, this is a hard one for me and probably the most important goal I have.  I love my little family and have an extremely hard time leaving when we are all together.  I love spending time with Reid to the point that I feel guilty when I take an exercise class and he goes to childcare.  Admittedly, Drew has not had an entire day just him and Reid.  I think I have a control issue (but that thought is for another day!).  I am making a point this year to take at least an hour each week to leave the house and do something ALONE.  I am hoping that it will allow me to have some mental clarity and in the long run will be beneficial for myself as well as make me a better mom and wife.

    Baby number 2 getting bigger
  4. Be more appreciative: Something very important in our marriage is feeling appreciated, as well as being appreciative.  I get caught up in the day to day taking care of Reid that I put Drew on the back burner.  His love language is action, so I am making a point this year to have dinner cooked before he gets home and have the house picked up.  He appreciates a clean house and a good meal, so I am going to strive to do better at both.

    My better half

My list is not very complicated and I believe I will be able to hold true to it.  I am hopeful for what 2018 brings 🙂