Long (kid-free) Weekend at St. Regis Bal Harbour
Drew and I just got back from the most refreshing and revitalizing mini-vacation. We spent 3 days and 2 nights at the St. Regis Bar Harbour, courtesy of his company! It was such a wonderful vacation that really snuck up on us and allowed us to have some time to ourselves.We flew out first thing Friday morning and checked into the hotel around noon. We thought that Friday was going to be the only sunny day, as there was a strong chance of a tropical storm (thank goodness the weathermen were wrong!), so we maximized our suntanning time. We laid out on the beach, went for a walk on the…
Edisto Beach Family Vacation 2019
Wow, this summer FLEW by! We scheduled our big family vacation for the last week of July (right before school starts in Atlanta). We had an absolute blast in Edisto and cannot wait to return next summer.It was the first year we did not stay in Drew’s family’s beach house, which sold this summer. Though it is super sad, we made the best of it and embraced a new tradition and new location (same island just different house!).My mother in law found a perfect rental house right on the river with its’ own dock and boat ramp, per Drew’s request. It was a change from being beach front, but such…
Walker’s First Birthday
SO hard to believe that a year has passed since Walker came into our lives. This year has tested my limits for sure, but has broadened by heart by SO much. I will be the first to tell you that my littlest baby boy is not an ‘easy’ baby, he had colic and still only naps for 45 minutes a day, if I’m lucky! He has major FOMO and is attached to his mama (no gym/church nursery or babysitters unless he is asleep). Even though he can be challenging, he is seriously the happiest and smiliest baby ever. He is very chill and relaxed and rarely fusses unless he needs…
Reid’s Third Birthday Party
How is my first baby boy already 3 years old?! Seriously, time flies by and it is hard to imagine that it was 3 years ago that I first held Reid in my arms. He has grown and developed so much in these past years, and I can honestly say that it keeps getting better (in most ways) with age. I debated and debated about what to do for his 3rd birthday. Since he is in school and has little friends now, I thought a fun party with his friends from school would be great! However, after talking to my sister and a few friends I decided to make it…
Turning Hobbies into Family Time
Time together is something that I really treasure and I want to remember all the togetherness we had when I look back on these years with my young children. I want to remember how Drew and I took our hobbies and rather than pushing them to the side after having children, we embraced the change and adapted to INCLUDE our children. I LOVE a long run. I love training and running marathons. I love the mental and physical challenge of pushing myself to run faster and longer and harder. I simply love it. While I may be in a season where I don’t find it fair to my family to…
2019 New Years Resolutions
For years, I spend the week between Christmas and New Years to make resolutions and goals for the upcoming year. It allows me to focus on my year ahead while reflecting over the past year. So lets talk 2019 goals/resolutions… Organization Guys, I am so disorganized and it drives me crazy on a daily basis. Life is so much simpler if you take the time to organize. Mapping out my dinners for the week takes mere minutes, but eases my stress levels and saves hours! I want to finally organize our house to better suit our family’s needs. I want to keep my house and car free from as much…
Weekend Recap: Sickness, Runs and Football
This past weekend was filled with sickness, but a lot of fun as well. Our house has entered the realm of first year preschool sickness and it is consuming our household. First Reid got sick, then Walker did, then I did, then Reid did again, then Drew, then Reid and now Walker again…all over the course of a week and half. Its been pretty isolating as I do not want to infect anyone else (please other preschool moms be considerate and do the same!). On the positive time, we have had a lot of family time.The boys are starting to interact more which is so fun to see. Walker is…
Walker’s 7 Month Recap
Gosh, where is the time going? I know I say this a lot, but time is truly flying by. I mean the days are sometimes long, but the months just seem to go in a blink of an eye. Walker has changed so much this past month and is seeming more and more like a toddler versus a newborn (I know we are in the baby stage for a few more months luckily). Lets chat about the amazingness of sleep. Walker has *KNOCK ON ALL THE WOOD* started to sleep so much better at night. He wakes up once or twice, rather than 3 or 4 times as he did…
Reid’s First Three Weeks at Preschool
Wow, preschool is a doozy. I seriously do not know what I am going to do when it is time to send my boys off to kindergarten let alone college. I am hopeful that I will be more mentally prepared than I was for the preschool emotions. I wrote a blog post, hoping to get out all of my feelings so I wouldn’t be a mess on preschool drop off. Well folks, that failed. Thank goodness, Drew came with me to drop off as he was the one that actually dropped Reid off as I was crying a couple feet behind them. Gosh, the hallway to his classroom felt like…
Walker’s Five Month Recap
People always told me “your heart just grows” when talking about having another baby. When you have a child, you do not think it is possible to love another human being as much as that child–until you have another. It is truly miraculous. That being said, I love my children so much I cannot explain it (as all mothers know).Before having Walker, I thought that he was going to be very similar to his brother. They share the same genetic makeup and are both boys–so I thought how different could they be? Well, the answer is VERY.Even in the short few months that Walker has been alive, I can see…