• Memorial Day Weekend 2016

    We just got home from an extra long Memorial Day weekend.  Christina, one of my closest friends and sorority sister, got married on Friday before Memorial Day.  Reid and I drove down to Charleston on Thursday morning for the bridesmaids luncheon.  Reid was an absolute joy and got his flirt on with all the ladies.  Following the luncheon, Reid and I stopped over to see his cousin/best friend, Watson.  It was fun to see the boys together again–even though they both are pretty much blobs right now! On Thursday night, Drew and I went to the rehearsal dinner at Red Drum followed by a quick drink at Tavern and Table.…

  • Weekend Recap: May 15, 2016

    This weekend was a great one, despite the fact that I was not feeling well for the majority of it (and now my little kiddo has a fever). On Friday, Drew came home early because I was not feeling well and needed an extra hand with Reid. Meredith, Drew’s sister, called earlier that day and asked to stay with us for the evening.  We all went out for frozen yogurt, as it was just what I needed on my sore throat and it was delicious to check out a new place.  I went to bed super early on Friday in hopes of feeling better. Saturday morning I had high hopes…

  • Working Out with Baby

    Happy Friday the 13th!!  Week days with my little man seem to fly by!  I have been making a point of keeping both of us busy during the days.  I am not one to sit at home and watch TV all day (though I will admit that having some designated snuggle days in front of the TV are quite amazing!).  This week I wanted to try out different workouts I could do with Reid. On Monday, we went on a quick 2 mile jog around the neighborhood.  He loves his stroller and always ends up falling asleep half way through. On Tuesday, I needed to switch it up and went…

  • First Mother’s Day

    Happy Monday morning!  I know that Mondays can be rough–but after a wonderful weekend I cannot help but feel at ease entering the week ahead. This weekend was very special as I celebrated my first Mother’s Day as a mom.  Words cannot express the love that I have for my baby boy and having a special day that highlights the joys of motherhood is amazing.  I am not one to gush over social media about the love and happiness that I have for Reid, but lets just say that motherhood has changed me in ways I could never imagine and seeing his smiling face makes my heart melt in ways…

  • Date Night with 2 Month Old

    I cannot believe that Reid is already 2 months old (or young).  Time in a sense has flown by and in other ways it seems like Reid has been with us forever.  The first couple of months were definitely an adjustment and a learning curve, where Drew and I had to work together and communicate in order to survive the first 2 months with a newborn baby.  I wouldn’t change our ups and downs for anything (okay, well maybe the downs), as they have made us the parents we are today and made us closer as a couple and family. Drew’s mom and step-dad have been amazing with giving us…

  • Weekend Recap #1

    Happy Monday morning!  This weekend was a jammed packed one filled with great friends and fun times. Paige, my best friend since I was 2 years old, had her baby shower on Saturday morning in Hickory.  Laura and I (along with Reid) road tripped up to North Carolina for the shower.  It was great being able to catch up with Laura as we drove up and I am so happy to report that Reid slept the entire way up and back!! I am so blessed that Reid and Campbell (Paige’s baby) will be able to grow up together!  We are already planning that they will be best friends if Campbell…

  • Thinking Out Loud

    It has been awhile, but today I am linking up with Amanda for this week’s Thinking Out Loud. Do self-help books really help?  I am currently reading The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up.  I discussed the need to better organize my house and get rid of unwanted things with my sister-in-law, and she surprised me by sending me a copy of the book.  I have never read a self-help book in its entirety (I started the Happiness Project, but never finished it) and am intrigued to see if self-help books really change your thinking.  I have an extremely hard time getting rid of things for the fear of someday needing/wanting…

  • One Month Birthday and First Easter

    Happy Thursday! Reid is officially 5 weeks old (young) today.  He is doing great and eating like a champ.  He is over 9 pounds and growing everyday!  Last week was a big week for him, we went on our first overnight trip to Chapin to visit his grandparents for Easter and he celebrated his one month birthday. Reid’s hair is pretty oily–thanks in part to both Drew and my hair–so the best pictures occur right after he has a bath.  We are bathing him about once a week (sounds gross, but he doesn’t do anything to cause him to sweat and bathing this young can dry out their skin).  On…

  • Life with a 3 Week Old

    Life post baby is a lot different from life before baby.  While it is quite the adjustment, I would not change it for the world (I know people always say that, but it is true).  I have had to learn to adapt to not being able to exercise (have to wait 6 weeks even if you have a natural birth–I originally thought that it was just for C-Section), I cannot just go out to the store and go shopping (have to wait until he is at least 4 weeks old, some even say 2 months so that he has his shots), and my sleep schedule is completely different (say goodbye…

  • Reid’s Birth Story

    Wow has life changed in the past couple of weeks (and that is a total understatement!). As it is fresh (despite sleep deprivation) in my mind, I want to document my birth story with Reid.  I have to admit that even though he was born 2 weeks ago, the intense pain that I remember recapping to my family and friends is now more blurred in my memory.  It may be from the lack of sleep or from the fact that now I have a beautiful and healthy baby boy in my arms, but the pain of labor was all worth it in the end. For starters, my labor story is…