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Stress Relief Techniques During The Quarantine

Week four of the coronavirus quarantine and its time to find new stress relief techniques in our household.  We have been indulging more on our adult beverages and running/biking to relieve stress.  While the extra runs are certainly great for the body, the alcohol consumption is definitely not!  After many discussions, input from others (thank you friends on social media!) and online research; I complied a list of activities that hopefully will provide joy and stress relief to others during this crazy period. IMG_2311

List of Stress Relief Activities: 

  • Journalling: If you haven’t tried journalling now is a perfect time to preserve your memories of this crazy time and destress by getting your feelings out on paper.  I swear by journalling, it is a free and personal form of counseling 🙂
  • Morning Routine: Setting yourself up for success is key during these stressful days.  My morning routine starts with reading a devotional, prayer, and journalling over a cup of coffee.
  • Prayer: It is amazing what prayer can do for your soul.  Religious or not, if you believe in a higher power now is a perfect time to cultivate that relationship.
  • Video Conferencing: There are so many platforms to use like zoom, FaceTime, Facebook Messenger (for kids) and Google Hangout.  Seeing the faces of friends and family helps keep you connected.IMG_0651
  • Mediate/Breath Work: There are so many simple breath work exercises to do.  One is called a box method: breath in for 5 seconds, hold for 5 seconds, breath out for 5 seconds, hold for 5 seconds and repeat for 2-3 minutes.  Another way is breath in for 5 seconds and out for 5 seconds and repeat 10 times.  Simply focusing on breath makes a huge difference and can turn your mood around, just ask my 4 year old!
  • Laugh: My sister suggested watching stand up comedy which is such a good idea.  Having a great laugh during this chaotic period takes your mind off of things and is good for the soul.  Netflix has a huge library of stand up.
  • Exercise: Moving your body is huge during this period to keep your sanity.  I love to run, but admittedly hate doing online exercise videos.  Find what works best for you and strive to move each day for at least 30 minutes.  Also, there are great yoga for kid videos on Amazon Prime to get the entire family involved.IMG_2442IMG_3330IMG_9155
  • Family Walks or Bike Rides: We have seen so many of our neighbors taking evening walks or bike rides with their families.  It is such a sweet way to get outside and relieve stress at the end of the day with each other.IMG_2072IMG_1031
  • Bake or Cook: Baking is such an amazing way to reduce stress for me.  Having a completed product that is tasty makes me feel at ease and accomplished.  People experience the same joy when cooking a delicious meal too.IMG_2353IMG_2347
  • Plant a garden: We are going to start a garden this week.  It is the perfect idea that the kids can assist with too–since we are all stuck at home, might as well cultivate a garden.IMG_4880
  • DIY project: If DIY projects don’t frustrate you (like they do us!), this is a great time to focus your energy on a new project.  Spring is a perfect time to do a DIY in the yard.IMG_1176
  • Counseling: I am a huge advocate for counseling, it makes such a difference in your life.  Since we are social distancing, there are many websites (like Headspace) that offer virtual counseling at a fraction of the price of seeing an in-person counselor.
  • Organize/Declutter: Again, if this doesn’t frustrate you–get your organization and declutter game on.  You can even sell items through Facebook or Craigslist (porch pick up).IMG_7771
  • Paint or Color: Adult coloring books or painting is a great way to use your hands and relax you.
  • Learn to Sew (or another project you have wanted to start):  Starting a project or hobby that you have wanted to do is a great way to feel accomplished and relieve stress at the same time.
  • Play Board Games: I love playing board games, my husband hates them–but he promised me to play the game of Life this weekend so we will see!
  • Play Cards: There are so many different card games people have suggested.  Clearly, playing cards is a great way to manage stress and create together time.
  • Read a Book: There are so many incredible books out there waiting to be read.  Utilize your local library’s online catalog.IMG_6252
  • Start a Blog: Blogging is such a stress relief activity.  It is fun to do and allows you to put your voice out into the world.
  • Play Video Games: I love this idea. Video games provide healthy competition with your spouse and your kids can even join in.
  • Crafts: I am not very crafty, but Pinterest has a world of ideas that you can do and create at home.
  • Dance parties: This is our family favorite.  When you feel stressed or getting on the edge–dance it out, its an instant mood booster.
  • Watch Reality TV or TV series.  There are so many funny and pure entertaining shows out there to choose from, now is a perfect time to indulge!

The list goes on and on with things that provide stress relief to people.  Since we are all unique, some things appeal to us where other ideas don’t–listen and trust yourself.  It is all about finding what interests you, will relax you and bring you joy.  Please remember that this quarantine is just a period of time and we will come out of this time with a greater perspective on life and maybe a new hobby (or two!).

Stay healthy, safe and encouraged, friends!