• Simple Semi-Homemade Halloween Costumes For Families with Boy Toddlers

    Halloween is such a magical time for children. Growing up, my mom was a Pinterest mom before Pinterest was a thing. She literally sewed and made all of our Halloween costumes, and I will add she did some quality work as they are still in good condition to this day! While my mom is a creative genius, I am more of a semi-homemade type gal. So for Halloween, I purchase the cheap costumes and then add some homemade touches like ironed on shirts and painting on cardboard. Unwrapping candy every year, Reid tells us exactly what he wants to be the following year and much to my surprise he sticks…

  • Navigating Motherhood and Burn Out During Covid-19

    Let me start this by saying this comes from the heart. As I write this I in no way want to offend anyone or seem to be ungrateful. I just feel the need to speak from my heart and the place that I am currently at. My purpose behind this post is that maybe people can relate and feel a sense of relief that they are not alone in their feelings. Lets talk about being the best mom you can be. Lately, I have felt burnt out. It is not fair to my children, my husband or myself. It pains me to feel that I haven’t been giving the absolute…

  • Walker’s First Birthday

    SO hard to believe that a year has passed since Walker came into our lives.  This year has tested my limits for sure, but has broadened by heart by SO much.  I will be the first to tell you that my littlest baby boy is not an ‘easy’ baby, he had colic and still only naps for 45 minutes a day, if I’m lucky! He has major FOMO and is attached to his mama (no gym/church nursery or babysitters unless he is asleep). Even though he can be challenging, he is seriously the happiest and smiliest baby ever.  He is very chill and relaxed and rarely fusses unless he needs…

  • Walker’s 7 Month Recap

    Gosh, where is the time going? I know I say this a lot, but time is truly flying by.  I mean the days are sometimes long, but the months just seem to go in a blink of an eye.  Walker has changed so much this past month and is seeming more and more like a toddler versus a newborn (I know we are in the baby stage for a few more months luckily).  Lets chat about the amazingness of sleep.  Walker has *KNOCK ON ALL THE WOOD* started to sleep so much better at night.  He wakes up once or twice, rather than 3 or 4 times as he did…

  • Walker’s Five Month Recap

    People always told me “your heart just grows” when talking about having another baby.  When you have a child, you do not think it is possible to love another human being as much as that child–until you have another.  It is truly miraculous.  That being said, I love my children so much I cannot explain it (as all mothers know).Before having Walker, I thought that he was going to be very similar to his brother.  They share the same genetic makeup and are both boys–so I thought how different could they be?  Well, the answer is VERY.Even in the short few months that Walker has been alive, I can see…

  • Motherhood Lessons: Surviving Colic

    “This too shall pass” is what I have been reminding myself the first 8 weeks of Walker’s life.  Colic is no joke and has tested my patience in a way nothing else has in the past.  I know that it will pass and that my baby boy will be a sweet, happy little guy soon. There is no scientific or medical explanation for colic which makes the process even more stressful.  I am a type-A person that likes things ‘cut and dry’ and get frustrated when you tell me that there is no right answer or explanation (such is parenthood).  So when the doctor told me that Walker had colic…

  • Motherhood Lessons: Becoming a Boy Mom

    “Are you going to try for a girl?” is the question that I have been asked more than anything over the course of my second pregnancy with my son.  At first, I laughed it off and thought nothing of the comments.  However after weeks of hearing the same question, I started to question having another boy myself.  In some strange way it felt like I was letting people down when I said I was having another boy. Truthfully, I always loved the idea of having boys.  I was a huge tomboy and loved playing sports and being outside when I was little (and still do).  I am not a “girly-girl”…

  • Motherhood Lessons: Weaning from Breastfeeding

    Warning: this is an extremely personal post.  While I sit here writing this post, I am on the verge of being an emotional basket case! I finally weaned Reid from breastfeeding and tonight marked the first night of not nursing him to sleep.  Needless to say, it is extremely bittersweet.  It marks the end of a routine of over 15 months and the beginning of Reid not physically needing me (I know that technically he did not need breastmilk/formula after a year, but still).  He is growing up and I cannot slow time down no matter how much I would like to. My breastfeeding adventure started with Drew and I…

  • Motherhood Lessons: A Day in the Life of Stay at Home Mom

    People are often surprised to learn that I am a lawyer turned stay at home mom. The first question after asking what I did before staying at home is always do you plan to go back to work? They are even more surprised when I say that I am not sure, most expecting me to say of course! While I would like to say yes, there is no way to tell what will be best for my family in a few years.  Sure I have my doubts (sometimes daily) about living up to my career potential and using my hard earned degree–but when I really take a look inside I…

  • Weekend Recap: First Haircut

    Good morning! Wow the time change totally has us thrown off schedule, but we are going with it 🙂 We started this morning going to barre, then to Trader Joes and back home for a nap (which has turned into an almost 3 hour nap…)! This weekend was a pretty relaxed one.  The weather is seriously going crazy–it was in the 70s last week and today it is barely approaching 40!  Yesterday, we took advantage of the less than ideal weather and ventured around Lake Allatoona in search for boat storage and got some chores done around the house (hello baby gates!). The big news of the weekend was that…