• Best Costco Purchases, Money Saving Groceries

    BEST Things to Purchase from Costco: Top 15

    Having a family to feed means that buying in bulk is the way to save money and Costco offers some amazing deals! I am breaking down the BEST purchases from Costco that you should utilize, if you have a membership.

  • Christmas Presents for Four Year Old and Two Year Old Boys

    ‘Tis the time of year of holiday shopping. Admittedly, I am trying to get ALL of my shopping done before December 1st. With the craziness in the world, I don’t want to be out in public more than necessary and really want to focus on the true meaning of Christmas this year rather than the materiality of it. Therefore, I have been doing my best to pre-purchase all of our family’s Christmas presents (with sales starting earlier this year, it has been a lot easier to accomplish). Please keep in mind that every kid is different, but rather than doing a list of “suggested” presents for two and four year…

  • Becoming a Bargain Shopper: Tips to Getting a Great Deal

    Who doesn’t love a good deal?! Finding a great deal isn’t about purchasing things that you don’t need (admittedly, I have purchased many things just because they are a “good deal”), rather its about knowing what you want, knowing the price you feel comfortable spending on the item and then searching and waiting for it to hit that price.  This day and age, we have so much information at our fingertips that finding a great deal is so much easier and doable (if you have patience!). The state of our economy, the amount of lay offs and people taking pay cuts to help businesses stay afloat is devastating.  My heart…