• Big Changes From 5 Year Old to 6 Year Old

    Birthdays are always hard for this mama, it is the objective sign of getting older and signifies a completely different age and stage. Reid is going to be 6 in just a few days and while he is super excited to have another finger to hold up to signify his age, his mama is reflecting over the years very bittersweetly. Five has been a year of physical and emotional growth for Reid. While I feel like the other ages were more focused on milestones, the fifth year has been a huge leap in emotional status for my little guy. He is definitely growing up and realizing the social norms and…

  • Ways to Make a Child’s Birthday Special during Covid

    Half decades are big birthdays to celebrate and we had a blast celebrating my son’s 5th birthday! Since we are living in a pandemic and couldn’t have a “real” birthday party, we did a couple outside the box things to make Reid’s birthday extra special. He had a blast and I think felt really loved (which is the whole point!). Ways to make your child’s birthday special: School Pick Up Decorated Car: Y’all this was so much fun! Luckily, it was a gorgeous day to celebrate his birthday so I was able to hang posters on the side of my car, have balloons and blare happy birthday music to pick…

  • Reid’s 4th Birthday Party at the Fire Station

    I officially give all the props and credit in the world to mothers of Pinterest and event planners who plan elaborate birthday parties.  It takes an incredible person to event plan and I personally would love to know how they stay sane and not stressed to the max! HA! While event planning is not in my wheelhouse, all the stress and planning was definitely worth it!! My little boy is obsessed with fire trucks–he will tell you that they are “his favorite” and that his favorite color is “red, like fire trucks.” When I asked what he wanted to do for his birthday he said he wanted to go to…

  • Walker’s First Birthday

    SO hard to believe that a year has passed since Walker came into our lives.  This year has tested my limits for sure, but has broadened by heart by SO much.  I will be the first to tell you that my littlest baby boy is not an ‘easy’ baby, he had colic and still only naps for 45 minutes a day, if I’m lucky! He has major FOMO and is attached to his mama (no gym/church nursery or babysitters unless he is asleep). Even though he can be challenging, he is seriously the happiest and smiliest baby ever.  He is very chill and relaxed and rarely fusses unless he needs…

  • Reid’s Third Birthday Party

    How is my first baby boy already 3 years old?!  Seriously, time flies by and it is hard to imagine that it was 3 years ago that I first held Reid in my arms.  He has grown and developed so much in these past years, and I can honestly say that it keeps getting better (in most ways) with age. I debated and debated about what to do for his 3rd birthday.  Since he is in school and has little friends now, I thought a fun party with his friends from school would be great!  However, after talking to my sister and a few friends I decided to make it…

  • Edisto Beach Summer 2015 Trip #1

    Happy Monday! We had a wonderful weekend in Edisto with Drew’s family.  Edisto Beach/Island is one of my favorite places on earth.  So many special memories have been made in Edisto (i.e. getting engaged over 2 years ago on the beach) and we always have a great time! This was our first spring/summer trip to Edisto and I cannot wait for the many more trips to come (already have a week long vacation planned later this summer along with a couple weekend trips with friends!). This weekend we did a lot of relaxing and enjoyed the start of summer weather at the beach.  The water is still a little chilly,…

  • Surprise Maryland Trip for Dad’s 60th/Mother’s Day

    Hello!  I am writing from my wonderful kitchen table this morning.  And boy, it has been a whirlwind of the past couple of days.  My dad turned 60 on Thursday–so we decided to make an impromptu trip to Maryland to celebrate his birthday.  Mimi invited us to a cookout in my dad’s honor a few weeks back and since it was a free weekend for us, we decided to go!  I told the majority of my family about the surprise trip–and everyone kept quiet until we arrived and dad greeted us at the door.  I am so happy that we got to surprise/celebrate with my dad at his party! The…

  • January Beach Weekend

    My wonderful husband turned the big 28 this past week.  Drew has a ton on his plate between school and work, so I wanted to make sure that even though he had work and class on his birthday–that he would still feel special on his day!  I fixed his requested meal (which we ate super late) and then opened his presents.  I bought him a Bose Soundlink III–it is a small but powerful sound system.  He has been wanting a sound system that we can take to the beach and on the boat–it does it all and is bluetooth powered! The next night we stopped at his parents’ house to…