• Motherhood Lessons: Becoming a Boy Mom

    “Are you going to try for a girl?” is the question that I have been asked more than anything over the course of my second pregnancy with my son.  At first, I laughed it off and thought nothing of the comments.  However after weeks of hearing the same question, I started to question having another boy myself.  In some strange way it felt like I was letting people down when I said I was having another boy. Truthfully, I always loved the idea of having boys.  I was a huge tomboy and loved playing sports and being outside when I was little (and still do).  I am not a “girly-girl”…

  • Inspiration for Big Boy Room

    Moving Reid into a new room is going to be a big adjustment for our family.  He has been in the nursery since we moved to Atlanta over a year ago.  I honestly have been more concerned with setting up his “big boy” room than transitioning our nursery for the new baby. Designing a room for Reid this go around is so much fun because he has his own opinions and likes/dislikes.  Even at 22 months, he is a very opinionated little guy–he enjoys choosing between two pairs of pants in the morning and tells me what shoes he will wear that day! Reid enjoys balls, letters, buses (watching school…