• Shopping Style and Tuesday Night In

    So I need some help–for some reason or another I have been lacking some serious motivation to run/workout!  I had two great runs this weekend with Drew and since then I have lost the urge to workout/run/eat healthy.  I put in two miles yesterday with Scout thinking that I was going to do another 6 in the evening–but that definitely did not happen.  I guess I am just in a small rut (I know it has only been a couple days, but I usually feel the urge to workout rather than working out feeling like a chore!).  Maybe its the heat?! I don’t know, but it is certainly frustrating! When…

  • Date Night: Jurassic World and Yard House

    Happy, happy Friday 🙂 Last night, Drew and I had a dinner and movie date.  We have been trying to go on dates every Thursday night, but life sometimes gets in the way.  Drew absolutely loves going to the movies, I on the other hand do not (I think that they are too expensive, DVDs come out 2 months after movies are premiered, you cannot talk, and I am a tad scared of being confined in a dark theater with many people–a tad claustrophobic/partypooper).  He was so excited when I said that we could go (it has literally been over a year). We went to The Yard House for a…

  • 9 Round Review and Thursday Night Date Night

    Happy Friday (of a loong weekend)!  Can you believe it is already memorial day weekend?! It was hard waking up this morning as I was still sore from my 9 Round workout on Wednesday.  I feel like a total lazy, out of shape loser right now–but cannot help it.  A couple months ago, Drew/my credit card has compromised and fraudulently charged (I found out about it when I was trying to pay for lunch with a friend that I hadn’t seen in YEARS and my credit card was declined 3 times–talk about embarrassing!!). My gym membership was on autodraft (I called all of our bill providers with autopay to inform…