• Inspiration for Big Boy Room

    Moving Reid into a new room is going to be a big adjustment for our family.  He has been in the nursery since we moved to Atlanta over a year ago.  I honestly have been more concerned with setting up his “big boy” room than transitioning our nursery for the new baby. Designing a room for Reid this go around is so much fun because he has his own opinions and likes/dislikes.  Even at 22 months, he is a very opinionated little guy–he enjoys choosing between two pairs of pants in the morning and tells me what shoes he will wear that day! Reid enjoys balls, letters, buses (watching school…

  • Morning Walks, Afternoon Jogs and Dining Room Decorating

    Good morning!  In my opinion, there is nothing better than waking up and going on a walk with your dog and a cup of coffee.  I started walking with Scout in the morning when we first moved to Greenville.  Our neighborhood is not very big–but going from cul-de-sac to cul-de-sac totals about a mile.  Our walks turned into runs and now have ventured back into walks.  I am not a big cold weather girl, so waking up and going for a run in the cold weather is not for me.  But the warmer weather and not wearing 500 layers means that I maybe starting back my morning runs instead of…