• Edisto Island, South Carolina Family Vacation 2020

    We just got back from our family beach vacation to Edisto Beach, South Carolina. We had a fun filled trip to our happy place and given the pandemic, I am super happy we were able to make our annual trip happen! And please let it be known that I am totally procrastinating unpacking and starting laundry in writing this post 🙂 Drew’s family had a house on the beach for over 50 years, last year their family sold the house and thankfully we wanted to keep the tradition alive despite being in a different house. We rented a house called “Doc House” that is right next to the marina and…

  • Edisto Beach Family Vacation 2019

    Wow, this summer FLEW by! We scheduled our big family vacation for the last week of July (right before school starts in Atlanta).  We had an absolute blast in Edisto and cannot wait to return next summer.It was the first year we did not stay in Drew’s family’s beach house, which sold this summer. Though it is super sad, we made the best of it and embraced a new tradition and new location (same island just different house!).My mother in law found a perfect rental house right on the river with its’ own dock and boat ramp, per Drew’s request.  It was a change from being beach front, but such…

  • Edisto Beach Vacation and What to Bring to the Beach for 4 Month Old Baby

    We have been going through some serious 4 month sleep regression or just adjusting to the craziness after being on a week vacation!  Little did I know (or rather even think about) that babies don’t adjust as well as adults when it comes to travelling and new places.  #rookiemommove Aside from our frustration with the lack of sleep that Reid is having at night/no napping during the day, life around here is pretty great!  We had our first long family vacation that lasted 9 full days 🙂 It was a wonderful trip and really allowed us to wind down and connect as a new family. We headed down to Drew’s…

  • Memorial Day Weekend 2016

    We just got home from an extra long Memorial Day weekend.  Christina, one of my closest friends and sorority sister, got married on Friday before Memorial Day.  Reid and I drove down to Charleston on Thursday morning for the bridesmaids luncheon.  Reid was an absolute joy and got his flirt on with all the ladies.  Following the luncheon, Reid and I stopped over to see his cousin/best friend, Watson.  It was fun to see the boys together again–even though they both are pretty much blobs right now! On Thursday night, Drew and I went to the rehearsal dinner at Red Drum followed by a quick drink at Tavern and Table.…

  • Weekend Update: Edisto Island for the Fourth of July

    Today I am linking up with Tara for Weekend Update. I hope that everyone had a wonderful holiday weekend.  I went to Edisto Island with a couple close friends for a great long weekend of fun in the sun!  Drew’s family has a beach house on Edisto Island that we have been going to for years.  We usually invite our close friends, Megan and Brandon to join us when we go down to Edisto.  Over the years, it has become a tradition to go to the beach house for the Fourth of July! We got to the Island around 6:00 on Thursday afternoon.  Luckily, we were able to leave Greenville…

  • Edisto Beach Summer 2015 Trip #1

    Happy Monday! We had a wonderful weekend in Edisto with Drew’s family.  Edisto Beach/Island is one of my favorite places on earth.  So many special memories have been made in Edisto (i.e. getting engaged over 2 years ago on the beach) and we always have a great time! This was our first spring/summer trip to Edisto and I cannot wait for the many more trips to come (already have a week long vacation planned later this summer along with a couple weekend trips with friends!). This weekend we did a lot of relaxing and enjoyed the start of summer weather at the beach.  The water is still a little chilly,…

  • Girls on the Run Coaches Dinner, Strawberry Pie and Charleston Run

    Hello from Charleston!  Drew and I woke up super early this morning and made our way down to Charleston.  We are celebrating my mother-in-law’s birthday in Edisto this weekend and came down early so that Drew could work in Charleston (he travels to Charleston a couple times a month for work).  My sister-in-law, Meredith, and I are going down to the beach house later this afternoon and Drew will meet up with us a little bit later.  After Drew dropped me off, Meredith and I ventured to pick up some last minute items from Trader Joe’s–which lets be honest I went in needing to get lettuce and walked out with…

  • January Beach Weekend

    My wonderful husband turned the big 28 this past week.  Drew has a ton on his plate between school and work, so I wanted to make sure that even though he had work and class on his birthday–that he would still feel special on his day!  I fixed his requested meal (which we ate super late) and then opened his presents.  I bought him a Bose Soundlink III–it is a small but powerful sound system.  He has been wanting a sound system that we can take to the beach and on the boat–it does it all and is bluetooth powered! The next night we stopped at his parents’ house to…