• How to Train for First Marathon After 9 Years

    After almost 9 years–I am running a marathon!! I am so so excited to start the training and run my first marathon post children. Training for a marathon is an event and takes a lot of time and dedication. Having children and babies means there is not as much time as before to train. Running is “me time” and admittedly, I struggle with taking that much time away from my family or doing things for our family to train for a marathon. However, I am thrilled with the opportunity to tag along with one of my good friends and train for a marathon again. It is time that I take…

  • Finding the Right Workout for YOU

    Discovering what exercise is right for you can be trial and error mixed with learning a lot about yourself.  It has taken me years to realize that it is alright to change it up and switch out of your routine when you find yourself in a workout rut (or in quarantine). There are so many different things you can do, but at the end of the day you need to find something that you enjoy (and even if you don’t a hundred percent love it, you like it enough). We are all so lucky to have bodies that we can move each day and we need to not lose sight…

  • Random Thoughts of the Day

    Today I am linking up with Amanda for Thinking Out Loud.  Four Random thoughts of the day: 1. Last night I watched Fed Up, a documentary about the growing obesity epidemic in America.  I enjoy learning different statistics and hearing different sides of debates.  The documentary explained that the food and beverage industry plays a huge role (they argue the entire role) in obesity among US children. The documentary highlighted the fact that just because you exercise and move, does not mean that you will lose weight and won’t become obese.  They also explained that one calorie in doesn’t equal one calorie out–calories are not created equal. The most interesting…