• Memorial Day Weekend 2020: Family Time and Pool Time

    This long weekend was filled with pool time for our little family. Luckily, our neighborhood pool opened on Friday which allowed for us to enjoy the pool four days in a row. I am pretty sure this summer our boys are going to become quite the little fish. Our pool has many restrictions, which are actually not that hard to follow and allow us to have a safe environment to enjoy swimming. The basic rules: sign up online for your spot (limited to 50 people), no floats, keep 6 ft apart and bring your own chair. People are not allowed to bring guests at this time, but it allows for…

  • Things I Learned at 32 (and wish I knew earlier!)

    Life is funny, you learn things as you go and look back and wish you implemented things sooner.  Today, I am sharing with you a few things that I started doing at 32 (and wish I did earlier!).  If you are younger than 32, try them out and if you are older than 32 and don’t do these things—well, there is no time like the present! Things I learned at 32: Wash your face: Say what?! It literally took me until this year to regularly wash my face.  Gross, but true!  I have ridiculously sensitive skin and felt like washing my face irritated it more than it benefited.  Well silly me,…

  • Teacher Appreciation Week Ideas

    If you ever want to be more involved in your child’s school life, I urge your to volunteer to be the room parent.  I was unsure and hesitant about being a room parent as I didn’t know how much of a time commitment and involved it was going to be, but I am so happy that I stepped up and am able to be more involved in my child’s school life 🙂 Being a room mom is not crazy involved, but you do lend an extra hand when needed.  You pick out and buy the different gifts for birthdays, holidays and teacher appreciation week.  You also help with all of…

  • Long (kid-free) Weekend at St. Regis Bal Harbour

    Drew and I just got back from the most refreshing and revitalizing mini-vacation.  We spent 3 days and 2 nights at the St. Regis Bar Harbour, courtesy of his company!  It was such a wonderful vacation that really snuck up on us and allowed us to have some time to ourselves.We flew out first thing Friday morning and checked into the hotel around noon.  We thought that Friday was going to be the only sunny day, as there was a strong chance of a tropical storm (thank goodness the weathermen were wrong!), so we maximized our suntanning time.  We laid out on the beach, went for a walk on the…

  • Greenville, SC Trip: Stay at the Aloft, Baby and Wedding Showers

    We just got back from a wonderful weekend in Greenville, SC.  We lived in Greenville for 3 1/2 years and absolutely love going back.  This weekend, I had a baby shower for my college roommate and we had a wedding shower for our close friends.  We decided to make a weekend of it and booked a room at the gorgeous Aloft hotel in downtown.We usually do not stay in hotels, but decided it was the best way to travel with both kids and have a semi-vacation.  We left Saturday morning and while Walker and I attended the baby shower, Drew and Reid went on a Father-Son date to Cabela’s and…

  • Weekend Recap: Lake Murray and Chapin Visit

    We have been a family on the go and loving all our summer travels.  This past weekend, we loaded up the car and headed to my in-laws for some fun times on Lake Murray.Drew and I dream of living on a lake someday.  That is our retirement goal and desire for our family in the future.  While that dream is not possible in present day, we are lucky to visit my in-laws in Chapin, SC and enjoy family time on the water.  It is so much fun watching Reid light up when we get on the boat and “go fast” in the water.  He loves pointing out all the boats…

  • 5 Month Old and Weekend Recap

    My baby boy is officially 5 months old–seriously where is the time going?! He is growing so fast and becoming more of a ‘person’ every day. Things about my 5 month old, Reid: He learned how to bounce in his jumperoo and LOVES it He is a very happy boy, loves to laugh, loves kisses He is a flirt with everyone He has started to notice Scout (our dog) and even pet her the other day–too sweet! He loves the water and going in the pool He doesn’t really like to nap–he takes one in the morning around 10:30 (as long as he is in the car seat and running…

  • Random Thoughts of the Day

    Today I am linking up with Amanda for Thinking Out Loud.  Four Random thoughts of the day: 1. Last night I watched Fed Up, a documentary about the growing obesity epidemic in America.  I enjoy learning different statistics and hearing different sides of debates.  The documentary explained that the food and beverage industry plays a huge role (they argue the entire role) in obesity among US children. The documentary highlighted the fact that just because you exercise and move, does not mean that you will lose weight and won’t become obese.  They also explained that one calorie in doesn’t equal one calorie out–calories are not created equal. The most interesting…

  • Thinking Out Loud: Fourth Of July Edition

    Good morning and Happy Friday, I mean Thursday! Waking up today I thought that it was Friday and rolled the herby kirby to the front of the house thinking it was trash day–whoopsies! But it totally feels like a Friday…right?! Today I am linking up with running with spoons for thinking out loud.  This is my first thinking out loud link up–so bare or bear with me 🙂 Thoughts for the day: 1. Lists I am such a list person.  Whenever we go on trips, I make tons of lists: a grocery list, an ingredient list, a clothes list, a packing items list, a cooler list, etc…the lists literally go on…

  • WIAW #1: Taco Tuesday

    Happy Hump Day!  I am so pumped that the Fourth of July long weekend is quickly approaching.  You can bet your bottom dollar that tomorrow afternoon, we are hitting the road down to the beach (please, please no traffic!!). Today, I am linking up with Jenn from Peas and Crayons for What I ate Wednesday.  Please no judgment on this post/forewarning, I eat a lot.  A few months back, my doctor informed me that I needed to put on some weight–which is harder than it looks especially when you like to run a lot.  I had to cut back on my running and increase my eating.  Luckily, I am at a…