• Memorial Day Weekend: First Beach Vacation with Two Babies at Edisto Island

    We enjoyed our first trip to the beach with our family of four over the extra long Memorial Day weekend.  It was an absolute blast hanging out with family and friends while having our babies enjoy the sand and water. It is crazy how much a year in toddlerhood changes.  Reid was walking and playing with his toy trucks last year and showed no interest in the water.  This year, Reid was running and jumping around and taking his trucks everywhere with him.  He was hesitant about the water, but eventually enjoyed going in it with his daddy. Walker was much like Reid was 2 years prior.  Walker enjoyed napping…

  • Motherhood Lessons: First 6 Weeks Postpartum

    The first two weeks postpartum are a complete blur, followed by moments of uncertainty and being overwhelmed but filled with an outpouring of love and joy.  These first few weeks test you but in the end you become a stronger, more confident, patient parent and person. We welcomed Walker William into the world 6 weeks ago.  He is a beautiful and healthy baby boy with a full head of black hair.  He is the spitting image of his brother (just with a little more hair).  He is a “survivor” as he has had to deal with colic, gas, a rash, an unsure big brother and a mom that drinks too…

  • South Eastern Wildlife Expo: Charleston Visit

    We had a whirlwind 36 hour trip to Charleston this weekend.  I got the clear from my doctor to travel and we took our final trip as a family of 3 (plus Scout) to Charleston to visit with friends.  Drew and I lived in Charleston for the first 3 years after college while I attended law school and he worked in sales.  We both have a special place in our hearts for Charleston and absolutely love visiting when we get a chance.  Many of our close friends live in Charleston and it makes visiting the town we love even more exciting and special. Friday evening, we spent hanging out with…

  • Inspiration for Big Boy Room

    Moving Reid into a new room is going to be a big adjustment for our family.  He has been in the nursery since we moved to Atlanta over a year ago.  I honestly have been more concerned with setting up his “big boy” room than transitioning our nursery for the new baby. Designing a room for Reid this go around is so much fun because he has his own opinions and likes/dislikes.  Even at 22 months, he is a very opinionated little guy–he enjoys choosing between two pairs of pants in the morning and tells me what shoes he will wear that day! Reid enjoys balls, letters, buses (watching school…

  • My 2018 Goals/Resolutions

    Every New Year comes with new resolutions/goals people make for themselves.  Like most, I set out my goals (even though I am a week late) to make my life more prosperous and fulfilled in the coming year.  My personal goals this year do not include drinking more water or losing weight (thanks to pregnancy both of those are going to organically happen/not happen), rather they include taking care of myself and family. 2018 Goals: Be more present: I have a tendency to talk on the phone or check Instagram a lot throughout the day.  The time that I spend not paying attention or being present is time that I am…

  • Atlanta Snowstorm 2017

    Hard to believe that metro Atlanta got over 6 inches of snow this weekend.  We had an absolute blast playing in the snow and enjoying the winter weather.  Reid was not so sure about the snow and wanted to be held the entire time, refusing to be put down!  I was quite surprised because most kids seem to love the snow, but every kid is different and I’m sure in future years I will not be able to get him to come inside when it snows! Despite Reid’s anti-snow kick, we had a blast playing outside in the snow.  We made a snowman, threw snowballs, watched Scout go crazy in…

  • Motherhood Lessons: Weaning from Breastfeeding

    Warning: this is an extremely personal post.  While I sit here writing this post, I am on the verge of being an emotional basket case! I finally weaned Reid from breastfeeding and tonight marked the first night of not nursing him to sleep.  Needless to say, it is extremely bittersweet.  It marks the end of a routine of over 15 months and the beginning of Reid not physically needing me (I know that technically he did not need breastmilk/formula after a year, but still).  He is growing up and I cannot slow time down no matter how much I would like to. My breastfeeding adventure started with Drew and I…

  • Updating the Living Room on a Budget

    Being a stay at home mom, I find myself at home a lot (it is in the title right?!) meaning that I spend a lot of time thinking about how I can redo/reorganize the house.  So instead of making us go into debt and changing up my entire house–I have decided to share my computer window shopping to this blog (as it may make me have less an urge to purchase everything!!). New Couch: The IKEA Extorp sectional is a bargain and steal of a deal from what I have researched.  Additionally, many people rave about how it is a solid piece of furniture and can stand the test of…

  • Weekend Recap: Lake Allatoona

    We had a wonderful weekend enjoying the warm weather on the lake!  One of the major concerns we had when moving to Atlanta was the lack of water around us.  We are water lovers, Drew has always been a boater (fisher, shrimper, wakeboarder, skier, etc–you name it he will do it!) and ever since we started dating I have become one too! Needless to say, it was a factor in moving. Luckily, there is a little lake named Lake Allatoona that is about a 30 minute drive from our house.  It takes about the same amount of time to drive to the lake as it did when we lived in Greenville.…

  • Motherhood Lessons: A Day in the Life of Stay at Home Mom

    People are often surprised to learn that I am a lawyer turned stay at home mom. The first question after asking what I did before staying at home is always do you plan to go back to work? They are even more surprised when I say that I am not sure, most expecting me to say of course! While I would like to say yes, there is no way to tell what will be best for my family in a few years.  Sure I have my doubts (sometimes daily) about living up to my career potential and using my hard earned degree–but when I really take a look inside I…