• Weekend Recap: First Haircut

    Good morning! Wow the time change totally has us thrown off schedule, but we are going with it 🙂 We started this morning going to barre, then to Trader Joes and back home for a nap (which has turned into an almost 3 hour nap…)! This weekend was a pretty relaxed one.  The weather is seriously going crazy–it was in the 70s last week and today it is barely approaching 40!  Yesterday, we took advantage of the less than ideal weather and ventured around Lake Allatoona in search for boat storage and got some chores done around the house (hello baby gates!). The big news of the weekend was that…

  • Life Lately: Moving to Atlanta, Georgia

    A new year, a new website and a new location! It has been a crazy start of 2017, but I am looking forward to all the exciting new things to come.  After months of debate, Drew took a promotion and we relocated to the suburbs of Atlanta, Georgia at the beginning of the new year! It was a whirlwind of a couple months–buying and selling homes is not for the weak (I have taken a hiatus from watching HGTV because I seriously cannot look at anymore homes for a long while!).   Luckily, we sold our home in Greenville, South Carolina in under a week and found a beautiful home in Atlanta…

  • Motherhood Lessons: Surviving Teething: Baby’s First Teeth

    What a week it has been…and it is only Wednesday!  Baby teething is no joke, but Reid has been handling it like a champ.  We noticed a few weeks ago that the buds on his lower gums were trying to make their way to the surface and sure enough they made their debut the end of last week! For months now, Drew and I have said “oh, he must be teething” whenever he gets fussy–but it wasn’t until now that it was true.  We scheduled family pictures for the middle of this month as we thought the fall leaves would be the prettiest (with this weather, the leaves still haven’t…

  • 5 Month Old and Weekend Recap

    My baby boy is officially 5 months old–seriously where is the time going?! He is growing so fast and becoming more of a ‘person’ every day. Things about my 5 month old, Reid: He learned how to bounce in his jumperoo and LOVES it He is a very happy boy, loves to laugh, loves kisses He is a flirt with everyone He has started to notice Scout (our dog) and even pet her the other day–too sweet! He loves the water and going in the pool He doesn’t really like to nap–he takes one in the morning around 10:30 (as long as he is in the car seat and running…

  • Easy Like a Sunday Morning and Pool Daze

    Good morning!  We had a wonderful (and somewhat relaxing) weekend.  It was a gorgeous Friday evening and perfect temperature to have a little happy hour by the pool.  We had a drink poolside with a couple snacks and put Reid in the water for the first time!  I wish I could say that he LOVED it, but he was more confused than anything.  Overtime I am sure he will love getting in the water and playing. On Saturday, after doing some chores we headed up to the pool again for a little family time.  We forgot Reid’s swim diaper so we could only put his toes in the water, but…

  • First Mother’s Day

    Happy Monday morning!  I know that Mondays can be rough–but after a wonderful weekend I cannot help but feel at ease entering the week ahead. This weekend was very special as I celebrated my first Mother’s Day as a mom.  Words cannot express the love that I have for my baby boy and having a special day that highlights the joys of motherhood is amazing.  I am not one to gush over social media about the love and happiness that I have for Reid, but lets just say that motherhood has changed me in ways I could never imagine and seeing his smiling face makes my heart melt in ways…

  • Spring Cleaning and Old School Finds

    My morning started off with a brisk 2 mile run with Scout.  I took my own advice from yesterday and decided to take advantage of the warmer weather/cool morning weather and go for a run rather than walk in the morning.  I am so glad that I did–the temperature was in the low 70’s coupled with a cool breeze making the weather and my run perfect!  I ran into many familiar faces that I haven’t seen in months–the same group of people tend to walk around the neighborhood that I run in (around the same time everyday–I am assuming!). Yesterday, I decided to do some spring cleaning.  Admittedly, I have…

  • Morning Walks, Afternoon Jogs and Dining Room Decorating

    Good morning!  In my opinion, there is nothing better than waking up and going on a walk with your dog and a cup of coffee.  I started walking with Scout in the morning when we first moved to Greenville.  Our neighborhood is not very big–but going from cul-de-sac to cul-de-sac totals about a mile.  Our walks turned into runs and now have ventured back into walks.  I am not a big cold weather girl, so waking up and going for a run in the cold weather is not for me.  But the warmer weather and not wearing 500 layers means that I maybe starting back my morning runs instead of…