• Deciding on the “Right” Preschool

    I am an indecisive person and am an over thinker who care A LOT so deciding on what preschool (or school) program to send my children is a task. I sometimes wish I was a mother who just picked one place based on the most important personal criteria and went with it…but no, not me, I have to interview all the options and then debate between them all. Y’all I do not make life easy ha! But I pray through my relentless determination to find the “right” school for my children, I make the correct choice! Our personal preschool journey, when we first moved to this area, I asked around…

  • Healthy and Simple School Lunches for Young Children

    Making school lunches can be stressful. We specifically choose our boys’ classes based on being able to have lunch at home to avoid packing school lunches. I honestly love eating lunch with my boys and it is a lot simpler to just make them a meal at home than to pack a lunch within the allergy parameters at school. I am pretty sure the whole “you make a plan, and God laughs” applies to this year’s school lunch situation. Our school only had one option for Reid’s age group, which meant he had to eat lunch at school. I was stressed about packing a school lunch for the first time…

  • Going to Pre-K during Coronavirus: Thoughts on Letting Go

    Reid has been out of school for almost 6 months. In that time, we have navigated, learned and grown so much as parents and a family. It has been a taxing, fun, stressful, different, playful time that brought our little family closer together. The boys have become best friends and their little friendship has blossomed immensely. I know that I will look back on these days and remember the precious moments we got to spend as a family unit (as well as the stressful, uncertain times). As I write this, we are a week out before Reid starts pre-K and gets back into the swing of somewhat “normal” life again.…

  • Whether or Not to Send Kids to Preschool During Covid-19

    Parenting is a challenging season, and parenting during a pandemic is even more challenging. I have learned more about myself and how I parent in the past 4 months than ever before. I have learned to give myself grace when things don’t go exactly as planned. I have embraced the occasional TV time when I am nearing my breaking point. And I have dug deep to find fun activities that bond us closer together. We have become such a tight little family and for that I am grateful for this quarantine. That being said, one of the parenting challenges that came up recently is sending the boys to preschool. Both…

  • Teacher Appreciation Week Ideas

    If you ever want to be more involved in your child’s school life, I urge your to volunteer to be the room parent.  I was unsure and hesitant about being a room parent as I didn’t know how much of a time commitment and involved it was going to be, but I am so happy that I stepped up and am able to be more involved in my child’s school life 🙂 Being a room mom is not crazy involved, but you do lend an extra hand when needed.  You pick out and buy the different gifts for birthdays, holidays and teacher appreciation week.  You also help with all of…

  • Reid’s First Three Weeks at Preschool

    Wow, preschool is a doozy.  I seriously do not know what I am going to do when it is time to send my boys off to kindergarten let alone college.  I am hopeful that I will be more mentally prepared than I was for the preschool emotions.  I wrote a blog post, hoping to get out all of my feelings so I wouldn’t be a mess on preschool drop off.  Well folks, that failed.  Thank goodness, Drew came with me to drop off as he was the one that actually dropped Reid off as I was crying a couple feet behind them.  Gosh, the hallway to his classroom felt like…